Author's note

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Hello guys. I hope you're doing great, cause I am (at least when I'm writing this). I have no idea how you got to this story but I hope you won't after reading first line, because this is waiting for you.

Mother for Rent is full of:

~hot and possesive men
~strong and indepentent women

Let's not forget trigger warnings as well:

~sexual harrasment
~a little bit of violance
~sexual scenes (yes you horny bitches, SMUT!!!)

Sooo, I love you guys, but please do not copy my work. Every scene was born in my head. Every scene is my original work and yes, some will maybe look familiar to other stories, but I DO NOT COPY THEM and I hope you will not copy from me. Or I'll find you and my handcuffs on you (ooo, sounds kinky)!

Thank you and enjoy reading,

-Vennie Star

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