The Wedding Night

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***Hi everyone! This chapter is rated M, it has a graphic sex scene. If this isn't for you, please don't read ahead. But if you love some smut, then you are welcome haha! Enjoy!***

Elizabeth sat in her own room at the inn brushing her hair out from its tight curls that were pinned high in her head in a crown-like shape.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she could see the nerves in her eyes for what was about to come.

Her and Mr Darcy's wedding had been a beautiful event, she wore the finest dress she had ever seen. The material was soft and delicate, clearly someone had taken their time to make this dress for her. She wondered how much it had cost him.


Her husband.

He was breathtakingly handsome today, in a pristine black suit, his eyes almost glistening as he had watched her walk towards him down the aisle.

Their eyes never left each other during the ceremony, and it was plain to Elizabeth how much he loved her. She could see it written clearly on his face. The sparkle in his blue eyes, that way he smiled and then forcibly had to stop himself from grinning.

And what surprised her the most, is how happy she felt too. Truly happy. She found herself thinking that he was positively adorable, which was a word she would never have connected with Mr Darcy some months prior.

That hatred she had felt was such a distant memory she wondered if she had truly ever felt it at all.

After such a beautiful wedding, they had a small gathering outside with all her family and friends where they celebrated with wine and lots and lots of food. So much food she started to feel sick from eating so much. During all this she found that she and her new husband hardly had time to talk at all. They were constantly being bothered by someone, whenever they tried to meet, someone would grab them away and so they just found themselves giving each other knowing looks from a distance. They were connected through warm smiles and wanting eyes.

As the day drew to a close, Mr Darcy finally swept her away in the carriage. They wouldn't be able to make it to Pemberley before night fall, but he chose a nice welcoming Inn on the road to spend the night.

Elizabeth said her goodbyes to her family, finding tears escaping her eyes and running down her cheeks as she did so. Especially when she said goodbye to Jane.

But she also felt excited at what her new life as Mrs Darcy was going to be like. In the carriage, he took her hand and brought her fingers to his lips.

"Did I tell you how absolutely beautiful you look?" He mumbled against her fingers.

She blushed instantly and nodded slowly, "I do believe you have mentioned it once or twice today."

"Hmm, well I shall have to keep mentioning it until you are sure." He pulled away to look at her, losing her hand to instead caress her flushed cheek.

As she looked up at him, her mind wandered to what was going to come next. The wedding night. Her mother did explain some of what was to come, she did inform her that it can be painful for women, especially at first. And some women don't care for the act. But it is vital to do it if you are to have a child, which was her duty to provide. But hopefully not too soon, she did hope to have some time alone with her husband before they were blessed with a child.

Noticing her change of mood, He tilted her head back so that she would look at him, "What's wrong, my love?"

She shook her head, looking away embarrassed. "I couldn't possibly say."

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