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I bade my parents my final good-bye, and my hospital bed was pushed immediately to the OR (Operating Room). I didn't know what to say, I just prayed to God that He will bless me during the long spine surgery.

After stopping in the sterilized toilet to pee before the long journey begun, I simply prayed again and again, "Lord please bless the doctor's hands so this surgery will be successfull. Please Lord, I promise I would be what You want me to be."

"Bam , "the OR's doors opened with my bed pushing it. Inside, the assistant doctors were getting ready with the tools and the nurses were making the assistant doctors ready for getting the tools ready. The room's got this clean scent around and it was quite refreshing. I inhaled the air and exhaled. The nurses helped to take my hospital dress off and put cables here and there. They said, "Good morning," and I replied them and gave a smile. I looked around and spotted Dr. Joseph. He was busy looking at my x-ray and giving final checks about my marks with his assistant. I inhaled again.

I prayed again. For some reason, I didn't feel scared or afraid. "Please Lord, I pray, amen." "Hannah, here's an oxygen mask okay. Don't worry. It's only oxygen," one of the masked persons said. Another one said, "This will hurt a bit, Hannah." I saw a needle touching my inside wrist. I inhaled so I wouldn't feel hurt. Suddenly, the world spinned around me, my body felt like it was mass-less, and I was breathless. My lungs pressed hard and I felt like flying. I speaked with all my might through the mask, "I have a headache!" but nobody looked at me. "Headache!", I softly yelled. Did my voice come through my mask? I still don't know. I wanted to reach my head but it was with the cables. They only took a glance at me and said "Yes?". Oh come on. My head banged and I felt like I was going to die any second. For some time, it seemed like I would. I figured out it was anesthesia. 3... 2...1... Complete black out. Everything was dark.


P.S. after you read part 1, stay tuned for more please. And please comment for feedback!

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