Chapter 9: Here Comes the Bride, All Depressed and She Cried

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Monday, December 5th
It was Denise's big day. She woke up in the gold canopy bed she had had her entire life. She wore a black onesie and socks with a rabbit pattern. The first thing she saw was her dress on her dress. Her window showed the heaps of snow outside. That was horrible for Denise. Snow would mess up everything. But she had to carry on. Everyone was already getting ready. One of Denise's parent's many friends did everyone's hair and makeup. Once the hair and makeup were done, Denise had to go put on the dress, veil, and shoes. It made her look like a princess. Her white locs were put into a bun. Everyone else looked great too. Andrea had some subtle waves in her hair. Hera had their hair in a side part. Kozue had their hair half up and half down. Afu had gotten out of bed and did his normal routine, except this time it was his wedding day. His mom drove him, and her sugar daddy to Denise's mansion. They went to the backyard where the ceremony was being held. It was still snowing. Depending on what monster you are, weather can have different effects on you. Most monsters got more powerful in snow or rain because sunlight drains powers. Afu went out, as Achill followed. The officiant was already there so Afu and Achill stood in their spots. Next up were the bridesmaids. Andrea, Kozue, and Hera came in their black outfits and stood opposite Achill. All the guests started to come and sit down, it was packed. Afu started getting more nervous. He object, he needed to be there for his pregnant fiancé. Deiondre started walking down the aisle. She threw a mix of rose and tulip petals out of her wooden basket. She wore a black dress to match the theme. Once she was done at the aisle, she sat with the other siblings. Afu's mom walked with the ring, still in its box. The orchestra started playing as Denise walked down the aisle. She was so beautiful, but she wasn't so happy. Did she want this? No. Did she need to do this? No. But she still had to walk. She stood in her spot and the officiant started to speak. "Since everyone is already sitting, I'll start. Welcome everyone, and thank you for coming to this happy day. This place is perfect for the soon-to-be husband and wife, this is where they'll become the perfect pairing. Even though most officiants would go on and on, I'll get to the vows,". Denise and Afu didn't have vows. Both of their eyes went huge, and they stared at each other. The officiant picked up and he went on, "We are gathered here today to join Denise and Afu in the union of marriage. Denise Gaynes Latchman, do you take Afu to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor, and protect him? And will you be with him forevermore,"? Denise said, trying to be as positive as possible, "I do,". The officiant continued, "Afu Aitonui, do you take Denise to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, and protect her? And will you be with her forevermore,"? Afu looked up then down, saying, "I do,". "Now, Denise and Afu will exchange their rings. These rings show the love and commitment they'll give to each other. These rings are a circle, showing your never-ending love. Denise, please place the ring on Afu's hand. Afu, place the ring on Denise's left hand. And now, as the power vested in me by Angel Metropolis, you are married. You may kiss,". The two kissed, even though they didn't want to. It was a short kiss, they did to get it over with. A depressed Achill looked at the too when they kissed. He wished he was Denise, so he could have that kiss with Afu. Achill handed the bouquet to Denise, he looked so sad. It had been a few months since Aerinn died. Even though he found Afu, now Afu has a baby with Denise. Denise told everyone to go in line. She threw it and everyone fought for it. Kozue flew, and Hera shapeshifted into a giant. But, Ananka caught it after controlling the light, causing no one else to see. Then, she flew and caught it. Ananka was having fun, she was with her friends. But, she knew they'd all be dead, and it would be all her fault. Ananka liked her friends, but she had to please her mother. Ananka thought her next victim would be Denise, she was pregnant and would be weaker. But she'd wait until after the birth. Killing a pregnant woman was horrible. Ananka had to kill her at some point since she didn't have a ghost gem. But, she wished being a murderer wasn't her destiny, it was already too late for her. The first dance was a simple waltz. Something simple anyone could do. Denise and Afu wanted to get it over with. The food was provided by Denise's parents. The cake had four tiers with black and gold alternating. On top, there was a topper, with Denise and Afu. Denise ate the cake and looked at the topper. It showed the two smiling as most newlyweds would. But Denise and Afu, didn't want this life, especially when they were only 16.

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