Chapter 27

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Misty Pov

I was at the fashion show now taking photos. The models looked so beautiful in their clothing. Marzia looked so pretty in her white sparkly jumper. I wasn't really into fashion that much but this was a new perspective. I was crawling crouching and standing on chairs to get perfect lighting for my photos. This earned tons of weird looks but who cares.

After the fashion show Marzia and I headed out to spend some time together. We were sitting by a little Italian style cafe. We were the only people eating on the patio. I guess now a good time to tell her about what happened yesterday. I have been dying to tell her this.

Me: um Marzi I have to tell you something.

Marzia: What is it Misty ?

Me: Welllyesterdaytydekissedmeandilikedit.

Marzia: Oh my god my Misty had her first kiss yesterday! Tell me what happened.

I told her about the thing at Taco Bell and the apartment. Her eyes were sparkling and she was so jumpy. I told her about the guys plan and Troyler catching us.

Marzia: I have to ask Troye or Tyler for the pics!!

Me: Marzi-chan you'll embarrass me! What if Felix sees them!

Marzia: Felix won't mind I'm sure :D

We were heading to the hotel the youtubers were staying at for a little reunion. Marzia started to smirk and nudge me when we saw Mikey Tyde and Reed approaching us. Marzia said that she'll be gone for day to sleep over at one of the guys rooms.


Marzia: At least they aren't Felix and Ken...

Misty: Good point.

The guys were planning on doing a collab. They asked me to help them set up so I said yes. Not like I have anything better to do.

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