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Today is drama Mazin's favourite subject and also Tommy's as he gets to see Mazin in all black. God does that turn Tommy on. By now Mazin knows about Tommy affection for him and takes advantage and decides to lead Tommy on. Tommy stared at Mazin, while he was doing his group performance even though Tommy wished he was in Mazin's group. Mazin gives a sexy wink to Tommy causes him to cum in his pants, "o shit", Tommy rushes to the bathroom. Mazin left in complete shock pauses and runs of the stage to follow Tommy to the bathrooms.
Mazin creeps into the bathroom looking for Tommy banging on all of the stall doors. Tommy opens the door and Mazin runs in. Mazin rips of his shirt instead of doing the normal thing like unbuttoning it,like any normal person. Tommys eyes brighten as he watches Mazin revealing his seducing snail trail. "Mazin what are you doing?" Tommy whispers under his breath. "You" Mazin unzips his pants and fucks tommy hard with his tiny cock. Tommy screams in pleasure,
*five minutes later*
Youssef (Tommy'a ex boyfriend) walks in, in complete disgust. Youssef still had feelings for Tommy and it broke his heart seeing Mazin having his tiny cock in Tommy. Youssef takes a picture and runs to Mrs leap as she is their drama teacher.

'To be or not to be'                        A Tomzin love storyWhere stories live. Discover now