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I know there is a little note right in front of this, but this is just a bit more of a before note. You can skip this if you want, but this will give you some context about the story and me if you want it! Tags can and probably will change!


1. I don't know why, but in my imagination, if George was not in the world Dream would be a bit less- aggressive?- I guess you can say. So that is the 'cause' of fewer wars and more of a peaceful existence.

2. Since George is not there, obviously, Fundy and Dream get married. Dream is also on at least neutral terms with everyone so that is fun, ig....

3. Tubbo and Ranboo are still platonically married, and Tommy is good friends with both of them.

4. There is no Dream XD. Dream is technically in control of the server, but has given the server control to Tubbo (Dream still is the only one that can add or ban anyone, though).

5. Dream War did happen, but everything was settled, and guess what? Everything is peaceful! (Are we sensing a pattern?) There have also not been any wars or major conflicts since then. )

6. Dream and Sapnap are best friends (and Sapnap is the boyfriend of Karl and Quackity).

7. Not about the story, but about me. I am dyslexic. By definition, that is, "a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that do not affect general intelligence." Basically, I have a hard time reading, writing, blah, blah. This is something that Tubbo also has, but I have worked for years with a Learning Disabilities teacher so it is not as bad as some other people's. However, some days are worse than others and the power of Grammarly can only do so much. All I ask is for a kind, constructive comment. :)

P.S. I have no idea where this is going to leave off, but I am looking forward to doing it with all of you. Also, don't take that last bit offensively, I write it in all my newer books :)

As always, love you all, and stay safe!!
~Gabrielle <3

Peaceful AU, but George Joins ;)Where stories live. Discover now