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       A figure sits alone in the woods. Well, not exactly sitting. More like floating.
A sigh breaches his upturned lips as he watched the new couple exit the forest.
He's happy with the outcome of their date, it went how it was supposed to.
When he was first told that all powerful inter dimensional beings were granted balance partners, he was furious. Why would he, the almighty bill, need a bootleg soulmate!?! He was even more upset when they said that not only would his b.p. Be human, he would take on a permanent humanoid form!
But then he found them. Both of his balance partners and he knew exactly why they existed.
All the anger and need to take over the world disappeared!
He was glad they were alright with each other, there would be an issue if not.
He is a dream demon, but somehow, he dreams of them. He know what the warm feeling in his chest is. All he must do now is take them to his dimension!
He snapped his fingers and changed to more comfortable attire. His plan was to go into town and at least meet them before he just tells them about the soulmate thing.
But first, he must try a slushy.

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