The Beginning

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Long ago

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Long ago. There was a light. Suddenly it exploded. And it created a Big-Bang which also created all things, it created infinites of universes, galaxys, stars and planets as well. But what about life form?
Well there is one, and his name was

Blop. Who is he? Is he an alien? Is he a god? Is he the first life form to ever exist?
Well theres multiple questions that you make be asking and i know you're confused but. As long as you read the stories about Blop, you will see...

After all was created by the explosion of the Big-bang.
Blop finally woke up
And was wiggling all around, confused
But when he had under control, he takes a look at everything and boom, he was shocked and confused. Not knowing whats going on. All he can do was wondering around space which all he can do...
Or maybe, just maybe he can go an explore around space. After some time, he found a fantastic planet that he found, he was amazed. he learned how to fly around space in no time. And went to that one planet that he liked. But to his surprised. There was nothing. It was all silent, he sat down and thinks what he'll do next
Hmmm? 🤔
Blop wondered as he doesnt know what to do at all. But all he could do is just sit there and wait for the best...

*1 billions of years later*

Let me guess, Blop is still sitting there thinking? Yuicks guess hes mindless after all (Blop's IQ are mindless)
But then finally. He stood up and went to space in no time. Then when he takes a look at his favorite planet. He realized that it has grown huge. He was happy to see it grow but he must go out to explore new planets. And so there he goes flying though space SO fast that he created a big shockwave almost all around the galaxy. (Blop's speeds are "FTL") As he was flying across space he encountered, two random "creatures". Turns out the two of them were actually a gods, well demi-gods actually. They suspect Blop for the cause of the "noise" that blop did. So they thought they could teach blop a lesson. One of the demi-gods said
Random demi-god 1:
OOOI! Was that you that made the noise!


Random demi-god 1:
YEA YOU! Im talking to you! Was that you?! Well guess what? How bout we teach you some lesson ay?

One of them charged up they're ultimate attack called "Planet Destroyer" which is a large ball, while the other just looked. And then the demi-god finally charge at him with his attacks. But before that Blop analysed the attack that was approaching. And then he decided to stand there and endure the attack because he had no idea what to do. And BOOM after the attack, the demi-gods were laughing and celebrating. But then we see blop standing there looking confused of what just happen
(fun-fact: the attack that the demi-god 1 charged up just now was a Star lvl. In conclusion, Blops durabilitys are Star lvl).
the demi-gods were shocked of what just happened. But then Blop also did the same thing as the demi-gods did. The demi-god were trembling in fear of what they saw in front of thier naked eyes. But when the attack was ready, Blop release the large ball and it was charging at the demi-gods so fast, that the demi-gods didnt had time to blink. So all they could do is screaming until death arivde. After defeating the two demi-god, Blop decide to continue his journey on explore the entire galaxy. After some time, he found a planet that seem to be have what its called "people" or the gods would call them "mortals". Blop knew he couldn't simply just land there. He had to disguise himself as an asteroid about to crash at its own destination, well thats what Blop would do (Blop's IQ now has increased to "High-animalistic"). Moments later, Blop quickly runs away from the scene so that he wouldn't get caught. After that, for the very first time in Blop's life. He had seen the beauty of the peoples face. It was mind-blowing for Blop for he had seen a human. He was jumping of exitement that he could make friends. But before that, he had to make himself a human as well. So he went deep to the forest and saw a large tree and sat there. And then he started meditating, he's was thinking about himself transforming himself into a human. After some time, he had finally transformed himself to a human. Well a child version actually. And then he went to the village crowed with hundreds of people buying foods and water, some were soldiers, some were beggars. After discovered the village, he went to large public library, as he sat down at a random couch. He takes a look at a big shelfs of books, Blop stood up and pick one of the books. He sat down again and starteds reading the book even if he doesn't understand. Several hour later. Blop is still reading the book, but this time is a different book. Turns out, Blop has been reading more than 50 books just now! Ah yes look at him grow (blop's IQ increased to "Above-average") after that, he went out confident knowing that he is smar-
Oh wait, he's broke..........
No worrys he can find a job since he's already smart after all! And so he had a new goal!
Find a job!

Thank you all for reading my stories!
And i hope you enjoyed the story if you do, don't forget to follow me and share this story so that it can grow bigger!
Also don't forget to leave a feedbacks or maybe give me some tips since this is my first time writing some thing like so yeah! More chapters are still on going so pls be patient. Anyways goodbye and stay safe loves!


Blop's details:


Tier: 4-C

Name: Blop

Gender: male (in terms of his human from)

Classification: Alien

Power's and abilities:
"Resistance to Pain manipulation" (was able to endure a Star lvl attack which did no effort to Blop at all)
"Enhanced senses" (instantly found a demi-gods before he could meet them)
"Shockwave creation" (was able to created a large shockwave all almost all around the galaxy when he was about to fly)
"Pseudo-flight" (since Blop knows how to fly through space. He can also change direction's, momentums and could move anywhere he wants)
"Power mimicry" (after he was attack by the demi-gods ultimate attacks. Blop basically did the same thing to the demi-gods as well, by copying their special attacks)


Attack potency: Star level (he defeated a demi-gods that was supposed to be star lvl, by copying one of their ultimate attacks)


Speed: FTL (Was able to created a shockwave that rumbled almost the entire galaxy when he was about to fly)


Lifiting strength: Unknown


Striking strength: Unknown


Durability: Star level (was able to endure a Star lvl attack which did no effort to Blop at all)


Range: interplanetary (one of the demi-gods attack are the size of the average size of a star, which is about 1.4 millions km. But what about Blop's? Well Blops attacks were huge. It is 50x bigger that the actual attack)


Intelligence: Above-Average (he was already smart, thanks to the books he reads. Actually, remember when i said that he read more than 50 books? Well on average, he finished 9 books per hour) (was able to defeated two demi-gods)


Weakness: Unknown


Feats: Unknown


Maybe in a far future, we might able to meet new characters along the way with Blop. Could be Blop's lover? Could be Blop's bestguy? But hey, who know?

Notes 2:
Blop doesn't always copies his own enemy's. He can also defeated his enemy's in anyways he want

Notes 3:
Keep that in mind. That your mom is beautiful ;)

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