#3 Line in the Sand

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5 days later

It has been a few days since the Justice league got there asses kicked by Scorpion Cassandra Cage Subzero and there new Ally's since Then Supergirl has wanted to Go after Scorpion but has been unable to find The Fire Demon Hybrid if there's one thing he's good at it's hiding in plain Sight. after all he's a god Damn Ninja a lot more Hiroshi has been visiting Delua Dent until she gets Transferred to a Mental Hospital in Chicago were she can get the Proper help that she needs. while this is happening Hiroshi made Delua a promise that he would teach her how to fight to use her anger as a weapon and Find her mother because Delua has never met her.


Subzero was taking his Girlfriend Louise Lincoln aka Killer Frost on a Date For them this was cool using there abilities they were at a Ice Skating Rink there was no one else there but them it had been a while since ethier of them attempted this. Kai almost fell but was able to keep his Balance Louise almost fell as well but Kai was able to Catch her afterword's the Went to a Chinese Resteraunt called the Jade Dragon.

Kai your childhood what was it like

Louise horrible Dad left before I was born and my mother Abused me called me a Freak and a monster when my Powers developed

Kai I'm sorry about that

Louise it's fine I tracked down my mother to a apartment in the Diamond District

Kai you going to kill her

Louise so what if I am are you going to stop me ?

Kai no I don't kill women or Children so if your going to kill her I won't stop you no child deserves to go through that.

A little bit later

As Killer Frost and Subzero they made there way to the Diamond district area of Gotham to Find Louise's mother Eleanor Lincoln lived on the first Floor Killer Frost froze the door and Subzero kicked it Breaking it. Eleanor went for Her gun but Killer Frost froze It before it could fire thanks to her training sessions with her Boyfriend Subzero. Killer Frost hit her mother over and over again asking her why did she abuse her because Eleanor believed that Louise was a monster. With that Said Killer Frost froze her mother's body then Shadderd it to pieces killing her after doing so She began to Cry but Subzero dried his Girlfriend's tears with his hand. the 2 ice powered Lovers embraced each other Kai took his mask off Planting a kiss on Louise's lips and she had to stand on her Tip Toes to kiss Back there was no doubt that there love was very Strong it's rare but Subzero is a man of Honor so this just works for some odd reason.

2 days later Metropolis

Scorpion was finally able to find Delua Dent's Mother Mercy Graves Lex Luthor's body Guard but the Fire Demon Hybrid was interrupted by being thrown through 5 Buildings by The Girl of Steel Supergirl. of course he Recovered rather quickly do to his healing ability so he was a little agitated right now bit he had other things to worry about such as this Blonde Kryptoanian trying to hurt him why is it that Blonde Women always try fighting him?.

Supergirl You are going to Jail for what you did

Scorpion you know I had other Shit to do sorry to burst your Super Hero bubble I don't have time for this Bull shit

Supergirl what ever I'm going to take you down

Scorpion god you heroes are dumb do you ever talk first before you start hitting

Supergirl what ever you can't trick me.

Scorpion I don't normally fight Women or children but right now your Giving me no choice

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