
26 0 14

Hello my lovely guys, gals, and nonbinary pals.

I don't have a specific update schedule, so sorry in advance for that.

Welcome to my first book so please not too much hate ty <4 (because 3's are overrated)

This story will NOT follow the story line of any of the MCU movies (that includes the spider man movies), but I will steal bits and pieces.

In which a girl fakes her own death (and hides for 14 years with her best friend/sister) because she decided to be a coward.

In which he thinks that she is dead for 14 years before realizing that she might be alive after looking for the one and only Peter Benjamin Parker

~I will have authors notes in bold parenthesis~



Sadly no smut because I can't write is for shiiiiittt, but I would if I could for those of you out there that are like me and like the spice it adds to the story

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