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                                        ♦♦♦ May 27, 1477 ♦♦♦

           An incessant storm ripped through the skies that night, the raindrops looked like small stones being thrown against the windowpane, that sound together with the thunder would break any heart that passed by. The cold feeling of the mists and the icy air that had entered through the small cracks between the wood and the stone made the already dark and heavy atmosphere even worse. But that moment was not sad. Between the corridors covered by a thin layer of mist, there was a small ray of light, which leapt from one side to the other, in her sky-colored pajamas, her short hair dyed with the night, and her beautiful and deep eyes, eyes that resembled like a lake during a starry night.
           The girl walked through the vastness of that place in a careful and poised way, only taking in her hand, a candlestick beaten in silver, which trembled as if it would no longer stand up. Her footsteps, muffled by her bandages, made the old cedar wood not creak so much, but small creaks could still be heard; they echoed through the storm leading to doors and stairs. But even looking into the complete darkness of the unknown, she kept walking.
           Her feet came to a slow stop against the front door, while her eager hand turned the knob as delicately as a pastry chef making a cake. She started to look through the storm, and what she saw was a man, but it didn't look like any man, it was a knight. His armor, damp from the rain, gleamed to look polished, and the cloak that covered his body was thick, as thick as a black bear's fur. That man brought an even more intense sparkle in the girl's eyes, along with a big smile.
           Gradually the knight approached the castle, making the little girl's heart beat faster; before long he was there, a handsome man with dark hair and eyes, gently leading his horse's halter under a tree. While the girl was adjusting her clothes, waiting for the simple signal.

-- You can come daughter -- She heard coming from the middle of the storm.

           The girl ran through the rain, not caring about anything around her, all that was desired at that moment was to be as the roots are for the trees, with her father; intertwined. A single jump, at the end of her run, was enough to completely cling to that man, and he in turn just let her demonstrate all that she had been guarding for a long time. The longing was enough to make the little girl relax her entire body, it seemed that finally after a long time she had found her safe place again.
           Her tears streamed down her face in time with the rain; it was no longer known what a drop was, and what was the representation of happiness. Her bandaged arms felt the icy iron of her father's gloves, along with the marks of the wars he'd been through; putting her hand on his arms was like feeling the thousands of people who once tried to cut him and couldn't, it brought a feeling of comfort, along with the sweet taste of feeling that man was still warm.

-- Aurora my child, I missed you so much - Placing a hand on the young woman's shoulders.

           She smiled.
           It felt like this hug had been in storage for a long time; comfort and tranquility shone between them, making their seconds become eternal seconds. But it was known that this sensation would be brief, as a spark is to a fire; would end.

-- Let's go in dear, it's too cold out here - He said lifting his immense cloak, protecting her daughter from the cold. - And you Bramont, go straight to the stable.

           Everything in that moment was perfect, as it always should be; but something was missing amidst all that perfection, calm and thunder. A light. As soon as Aurora thought of that, she quickly picked up her unlit candlestick and began gesturing with her fingers some symbols in the air, symbols that were only visible in her imagination; and together with this she murmured; -- Ignithá --. And from one moment to the next, the candle lit.
          From her father, only muffled laughter was heard, coupled with her proud face.

-- That's amazing, five moons ago you could barely produce a glyph on paper, now you can make them in the air!

-- I only had difficulty because of my hands... but I managed to do it, I thought it would be more difficult - A brief silence consumed the conversation, interrupted only by the sound of rain.

           She turned.
-- Dad... Do you think I have talent with these things?

-- My daughter, of course I think, this is one of your many talents.

-- But if I have such a talent, why didn't I start before the others? It seemed the most correct, if it had been in such a way it would have been ready, I could have already left the castle -- She breathes a little. -- I could have already left with you.

-- Unfortunately you couldn't, no matter how special you were. -- The knight sighed, for the first time looking tired. -- Aurora... you are like a blue flame in a bonfire, beautiful and prominent and different, yet still fragile against the rain.

           A few seconds were enough for a storm to slowly begin to fall through his eyes. A few small drops were thrown to the ground like rain on grass; no sound. The butterflies in her stomach and the frigid air made the girl feel even worse. All that happy moment was incubated by pure sadness, from one hour to the next.
           A memory.
           A lock.
           The Fire.
           All that was left in that moment was a shell of who Aurora was, which just followed the flow of whoever was next to her. She slowly retreated into her thoughts; every smile she'd shown so far had just disappeared. And so a new facet was seen in her face, the tears were fading, and the face of her thoughts rising, the dead face of someone who had sunk deep into her abyss.

"Do you think I'm just that? A blue flame that will end like all the rest?", she was thinking. "MY WAITING AND EFFORT WENT FOR NOTHING?... When are you going to let me... get out of here with you..."

           Silence broke between them like a harp without a string, in the hands of the most inspired musician. And that unplayed melody just came to an end, as an iron glove was laid gently on the young girl's shoulder.

"I just want to go along with you...", was Aurora's last thought, among so many others.

-- I'm sorry daughter... you couldn't even if you had started earlier...

          After delving into her thoughts, Aurora had come to her senses. lost. In front of her there was no longer the castle, only a small stream. A confused expression appeared on her face, like a dog that has just lost its owner. confused.
          The knight who until recently had been so proud of his daughter was looking at reality; one he wasn't proud of.

" This is something that never changed in you my daughter... I really believed that after so long... ", thought the knight.

           Seeing what had happened she remembered, the little something that had always stopped her from achieving what she wanted. Aurora already knew what her father's next words would be, words that were starting to be reproduced in the core of her mind, words like "It's not time, until it proves stable", "There are many things still to learn, give time to time ", " Aurora, you will only leave this castle, as soon as you build one inside you "... And so in a single moment that his mind weakened, he felt his whole tower of cards collapsing.

           In complete silence, father and daughter returned to the castle.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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