important info

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I will be editing this as new characters are introduced, probably every couple chapters. Also, every canon character has the same quirk and everything.
Y/n quirk: Rot
If y/n became a hero their name: Zombie
Type: emitter
Description: Similar to Shigiraki, you can make people decay, but your quirk is more painful. It causes the target to rot, like a dead body. The target will feel everything, and I mean everything. This can eitheir be internal or external. If internal, the targets organs will shut down, except for their brain, that rots last. If external, the targets skin, hair, and even clothes will start to decay. You can control the speed of the rotting/decaying, causing it to be great torture method, if needed.
You do not need physical contact with your target to use your quirk, you just need to be able to focus on the person(s). You can multiple people rotting at once. If you stop using your quirk, the targets will have to seek medical attention to possibly get help.

Side effects: Prolonged use (8-10+ hours) can cause extreme pain, feeling like your insides are rotting. You won't be able to focus easily. Your skin will feel like it's burning. Minimal use (1-3 hours) causes discomfort, and your skin to be kinda hot. Extra use (4-8 hours) causes pain, like your insides are in a knot, and you feel like you have a severe sunburn. Over use of your quirk (11+ hours) can cause you to faint, and possibly die.
Isamu (brother) quirk: Teleportation
If Isamu became a hero their name: Warper
Type: Emitter (?)
Description: he can teleport to any given spot that he knows about. He can teleport humans, objects, animals, ect. through physical contact, similar to Uraraka's anti-gravity. You have to be able to have physical contact, and be focused on where the target will go, or they (even himself) could end up anywhere.

Side effects: After teleporting, he or the target can become very disoriented, especially over large distances. If used multiple times in a very short amount of time (ex. 10 times in 30 seconds) he or the target could faint, have memory loss, possible concussions, or even brain damage. If used once, he or the target could be slightly surprised, but will near instantly understand what's happening.
Machida Yuki (Isamu friend) quirk: knife hair
If Yuki became a hero their name: Edge
Type: Mutant
Description: Her hair is a mix of big strands of hair and small strands. The bigger strands have a very, very sharp bottom. The smaller strands have a sharp but less harmful bottom. She can control these strands, and they can extend in legnth. They are strong enough to hold a car with just a couple strands.

Side effects: She often cuts herself or others on accident, so she keeps her hair up in a bun or a ponytail. That's about all there is.
Onaga Shinji (Isamu friend) quirk: reptile
If Shinji became a hero their name: Dragon
Type: Transformation
Description: He can transform into a big reptilian creature, similar to Dr. Curtis Connors, except he can transform back into a humanoid. When he transforms, he grows from 5'11 to 7'5, and grows sharp teeth, and sharp claws. His skin turns into black scales, of course. He becomes extremely strong, and he becomes hyper aware.

Side effects: His skin, even after transforming back, will be rough, and scaley looking. His teeth are also still a bit sharp, he is aware of surroundings no matter what. He is also naturally strong even in human form.
Hayashida Yudai (Isamu friend) quirk: avian
If Yudai became a hero their name: Raven
Type: transformation
Description: he can transform into a very large raven, around the height of your everage house. He becomes hyper aware.

Side effects: He has to deal with feathers speckled all over his body, and wings for ears.
Hinode Yumeka (Iida friend) quirk: dream
If Yumeka became a hero their name: sandman
Type: Emitter
Description: she can cause people to fall asleep quickly, and can cause them to dream. She can make these dreams anything she wants, and she herself can be in them.

Side effects: if overused, she can become extremely sleepy, falling alseep no matter the place.
Hinode Tsukiko (Iida friend) quirk: night
If Tsukiko became a hero their name: night crawler
Type: transformation
Description: she, during the night, becomes stronger. And if she wants to, she can transform into a shadow figure. She can move abnormally fast, and she is completely silent. She is extremely powerful in this state as well, she can cause illusions, split into multiple people, change her size, and can rip you to shreds if she wanted to.

Side effects: she is weaker in the day, and is usually more active at night, causing her to be tired during the day as well.

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