coffee ☕ and other beverages 🥃🧃🍵

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If they like coffee and if so then how?

Fukuzawa: prefers tea, green tea

Yosano: maybe latte, wine

Atsushi: no coffee just tea on rice

Kunikida: black, no milk, no sugar, just water and coffee

Jun'ichirō: tea, (idk why I'm getting a tea vibe from everyone) maybe like an iced latte with the carmel syrup thing, with whipped cream and chocolate shavings

Kenji: water or warm milk

Kyōka: hot chocolate

Dazai: whisky, irish coffee

Ranpo: if he has coffee then with a shit ton of sugar and it's 90% whipped cream and the syrup thing

Katai tayama: mocha

Mori: cappuccino or lungo

Ace: ristretto

Chuuya: I don't see him as a coffee guy tbh 🤷 but we all know he drinks wine

Kōyō: cappuccino or galão

Rimbaud: lungo

Akutagawa: doesnt have coffee much but if he does then like expresso or doppio

Higuchi: latte

Gin: flat white

Elise: milkshakes

Yumeno (Q): since they like chaos, orange juice

Kajii: expresso romano

Oda: cafe Americano

Ango: cappuccino or flat white

Francis Fitzgerald: Americano

Louisa Alcott: cappuccino, long black

John Steinbeck: no coffee for him

Edgar Poe: caffelatte

Lovecraft: cafe breve

Lucy: dosent care for coffee

Margaret: bicerin

Mark Twain: no coffee

Hawthrone: drinks water

Fyodor: Vienna or cappuccino

Nikolai: carmel frappe

Sigma: expresso lacino

Tatsuhiko Shibusawa: romona

Authors note~~~~~~~~~
Is there a difference between expresso and ristretto?
Anyway Good day/night :)

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