how they would sleep/cuddle with you

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Just so you know I'm not gonna be saying y/n cuz I don't want to and instead I'm gonna be saying * or *name
Also it might change between 2nd and 3rd person view (2nd person view is like 'you went into the kitchen' and 3rd would be 'they went into the kitchen')
*I ran out of bsd memes so instead you get this cute picture of Sigma

CW: mentions of suicide

Have fun reading

•He would be the big spoon
•it would be fun to play with his hands
•I feel like his breathing would be very slow cuz he's so calm so you might think he's dead
•feels calm and happy even if it doesn't seem so
•prefers cuddling with you then with cats
•cats still join cuz he has like 20 of them
•plays with your hair
•if you big spoon him then he will want to hold your hand
•still pleased despite who's holding who

☆big spoon energy
☆loves the smell of your shampoo
☆honeymoon hug
☆complements you
☆ kisses your cheek

¤honeymoon hug or sweethearts cradle
¤if you're cold, gives you all the blankets in the house
¤would turn into a tiger if you ask really nicely
¤the only blanket you need is him

▪︎he gets a box hehe
▪︎ zen style cuddles 🥺 🥰😍😘💋❤🤞
▪︎ reads over his ideals
▪︎ if you ask nicely he'll read the book he's reading and if he's reading his ideals then he'll make a story up(if he's reading one)
▪︎ his body is straight, it looks like he's in a coffin ⚰
▪︎ or like he's doing the Corpse yoga position

○ ALL over you
○ the honeymoon hug or the bug spoon
○ his hair is either soft or dry and crusty for some reason, no in between
○ loves cuddling on the coach eating freshly baked cookies, a blanket wrapped over the 2 of you and watching movies, romantic comedies or Disney movies (or other movies targeted towards children)
○ or sits infront of the fire with, again, a blanket over the two of you while its raining outside or snowing
○ just imagine hugging him infront of the fire on a coach while it's snowing outside, the Christmas tree providing light with its lights and decorations, the smell of Christmas cookies filling the air while soft Christmas music plays
○ I want it to be Christmas:(
○ blushing slightly

Kenji: platonic obviously
♡ he gets a heart cuz he's amazing
♡ would just hug you while sitting on the coach while watching something or you reading something
♡ happy
♡ smiling
♡ talks about random things which happened to him through out the day while just sitting there
♡ talked about the time they got a cow
♡ if he just finished eating then he would want you to be there so he can use your shoulders as a pillow

Kyōka: also platonic
★ gives stiff hugs </3
★ Just sits there
★ you have to hug her
★ happy noises
★ melts in the hug
★ turns into a puddle of a soft smile

■ another square hehe, idk why I find squares funny
■ passionately talks about suicide but doesn't say a word while you hold him or he holds you
■ gives tight hugs (ik this has nothing to do with cuddling but idc)
■ spoon, honeymoon hug, sweetheart cradle, arm draper and more
■ happy and smiling
■ loves it when you lay your head on his chest
■ lies on top of you if you let him
■ hums songs in your ear sometimes or whispers random things in your ear
■ [whispering] 'what's for diner tomorrow? I was thinking take out or a soup' 'it's so weird that a tomato is a fruit and a pineapple is actually a bunch of berries'
■ rants about his day aswell

◇ lays on top of them
◇ crumbs in their hair
◇ sugar all over everything
◇ sometimes gives little kisses on their lips
◇ sugar kisses
◇ falls asleep quickly
◇ maybe light snoring?
◇ talks in his sleep sometimes
◇ 'no don't take that... hey... I love 'em... but stop ... give it back... the turtle's too fast... give it some ham...that sandwich was orange tho...'
◇ there's food hidden in his hair
◇ puts his hat on them if they're cuddling not in bed, like on a coach or... chair?
◇ crumbs everywhere, itchy crumbs •_• 

Katai tayama:
♥︎ sweetheart cradle
♥︎ cuddle under his futon (is that how you spell it?)
♥︎ the two of you have a show you started and only watch it together while cuddling
♥︎ loves cuddles
♥︎ I'm distracted by hellsing, anyway sir integra is so slay
♥︎ help I'm dying
♥︎ would skip work to cuddle with you, and does

° the degree symbol for some reason
° gives very tight hugs or very light hugs
° would love it when you sit on his lap and he just hugs you from behind
° tells you about his day
° gives sweet little pecks on your cheek
° might read something
° sometimes he puts little cute clips in your hair

_ Big spoon
_ wouldn't mind being the little spoon tho
_ whenever the two are watching a movie, the two of you sit on the coach, a blanket over your shoulders and a wine bottle in hand
_ likes making out while cuddling or just sweet plain kisses
_ puts his hat on you
_ cuddling is only available while at home

◆ she would give amazing hugs tbh
◆ cuddling on the coach is the only thing that she wants to do after a long of work
◆ loves to play with your hair
◆ I'm sorry I'm getting distracted again
◆ I'm listening to true crime maybe I won't get distracted
◆ drinks tea with you

~ keeps all the blankets to him self
~ little spoon
~ sits by the fire 24/7
~ I feel like he would read something or do like puzzles like sudoku or something
~ can't hear if you say something cuz of his earmuffs

-omg I keep coughing #Akutagawakinnie😘
- sleeping in the same room as you? He doesn't know what that means
- the two of would have to be together for maybe a couple of months before he would sleep in the same bed as you
- on the other side of the bed
- his back facing you
- if he's more comfortable with the leg hug at first (would think it's weird or something tho)
- if you were having a bad day or were feeling really down lately then he would make an exception and you can hug him

- half spoon
- loves just being close to you
- the two of you will just chill in bed or on the coach for hours if the two of you have a free day or something
- let's her hair down
- hugs

☠ big spoon vibes
☠ if the two of you (I need to phrase that differently cuz I keep saying it) but if you have a child then y'all would do the teddy bear's Teddy bear (but with a child) first him, then you and the child
☠ the child could also sleep between the two of you
☠ loves hugging you, especially your waist
☠ for example if you're cooking dinner in the kitchen then he would come up from behind you and hug you saying you're cooking smells lovely
☠ please don't burn the kitchen (anyone know what ☲ means?)

Edgar Poe:
✍ shy
✍ little spoon tbh
✍ karl joins in
✍ if you ask nicely he'll read his book to you
✍ low key prefers when he's alone with you (without karl)

♝ (don't ask why the Bishop)
♝ he's probably touch starved
♝ he wouldn't even sleep in the same bed as *name
♝ if they hold his hand he would just stare at them, confused but he will just be like °–° ... like he always is 🥰
♝ if he's comfortable with them he will start to sleep in the same bed as them, facing the beautiful wall ofc, back turned to them
♝ I feel like he would go to bed at midnight (hoping they are asleep)
♝ stiff sleeper

⛿ it's just gonna be random symbols for him cuz I'm lazy
⛬ attached to you like velcro or my hair
☙ big spoon or the honeymoon thing
⚘ loves playing with your hair, hands/fingers, cloths etc
⚂ 'what walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the evening and 3 at night?'
⚖ into pda so he would just hug you when the 2 of you are sitting down
⚰ I just wanted to use the coffin

♤ omg I love and symbols
♡ shy at first
◇ just wants a hug and for you to hug him
♧ when you're backing cookies then he would stand behind/to the side of you and hold your hand (if you can ofc), well it's more of like he takes your hand in his for a second yk
♠︎ wants to hold you when lying in bed
♥︎ doesn't know if he should. If you would be able to sleep and stuff
◆ if you tell him to hold you, he gladly would.
♣︎ why is the diamond so ugly? Like it looks weird

So I'm FINALLY done after like a month
Happy September btw
Pls ignore my random things that have nothing to do with anything
Also its past 00:00 so good night and sweet dreams :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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