19. (M)

446 7 3

Author POV

Lunch was perfect in every way. Jin and Yoongi prepared a Bulgogi Taco Bar; something that was a new favorite of the two oldest.
The food didnt last long; especially with the appetite the maknae had. They all laughed and talked, enjoying the good company and amazing dishes their hyungs made. Once lunch was over, Luca helped Namjoon and Hoseok load the dishwasher while the maknae line wiped down the counters and table; meanwhile Yoongi and Seokjin were lounging on the couches enjoying the sight of everyone else working.

Once everyone was done cleaning, they all settled into the livingroom as Seokjin put on a movie. "So," he began as he sat back down in his seat. "We need to call Sejin and let him know that Luca will be staying here with me."

Luca nodded. "I do need to have a serious discussion with him about his stupid nephew he bombarded me with yesterday."

"He couldn't have been that bad," Jungkook smiled but it quickly fell when Luca glared back at him. "Sorry, Hyung," he muttered before turning back to Seokjin. "So what do we do? Have a conference call?"

"Yeah," Namjoon agreed. "I think it's best if he talks to us as a group and then let Luca have his privacy."

"I don't need privacy. It's fine, Namjoon," Luca said while smiling. "Thank you, though. I do appreciate the thought."

Namjoon smiled his signature dimpled smile in return. "Of course."

"Should we call him now," Jimin added. "Its only 1:00 pm. He shouldn't be too busy."


The conversation between the eight and their manager was a long one. After an hour of Sejin apologizing and admitting his mistakes to Luca, the conversation then took a more laid back turn. Bangtan were off for the next four days; Sejin said it would give them time to relax before the production of their final tour starts.

Luca ended up with a raise. Triple than what he made last time. Luca wasn't hurting for money at all. He had enough money, especially from selling his prized car and the fact that his former boss paid him well; so money meant absolutely nothing to him. Sure, he could afford the apartment next to them, but he didn't want just an apartment. One day, he wanted a home and that's something he's saving for wherever that home may be.

"So now that all of the heavy stuff is out of the way," Jimin said while clapping his hands then giving a subtle look to Yoongi, "who wants to get drunk?"

Luca groaned. "Not me. I got drunk enough last night."

"Well tonight you can actually have fun instead of drowning in self pity," Jimin smirked as Luca rolled his eyes. "Please, Hyungie?"

Luca couldn't deny Jimin of anything. "Fine, but no hard stuff. I know how you and Yoongi like to party."

"Yeah and you've had fun with us every time," Yoongi spoke from beside him. "Remember that first ni-"

"Okay," Luca stood up feeling the heat in his cheeks then chuckled . "Yes, I remember."

"F-fuck, Yoongi," Luca moaned guided Yoongi's head up and down his dick. Luca opened his eyes and looked at Tae, who was stroking himself, then his eyes met Luca's and he picked up the pace.

Luca looked back down at Yoongi and gripped his hair. Yoongi's hands gripped Luca's thighs as he took him deeper and faster. He flicked his tongue at Luca's tip, causing Luca to thrust forward and make Yoongi gag.

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