#2 The Tense Tea Party | part 2 |

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As the main characters entered the room following the harrowing scream of a woman, they found another woman passed out on the floor; life drained out of her. Surrounding the victim were three women, one who screamed, all assumingly the deceased's friends. This was a terrifying realization as it would mean that the friends had betrayed each other, therefore ruining all their lives.

This is horrible, I can't believe so-called friends would do this to each other  (y/n) thought, reflecting back on her friends who she's glad would never do something like this or she hoped they wouldn't.

But if there's something she wished future her would know was to not easily trust people for there would be a crisis in the future, so threatening that she required the safety of the FBI, unknowingly her love interest's enemy.

As (y/n) looked back to the crime scene, she realised that the police had already come in, with Inspector Meguri and Detective Takagi taking the lead. Conan and Amuro were right in front explaining the time line of events that led to the woman's death and the ways it unfolded.

However, it was more Amuro providing Conan with hints, as the latter had to remain oblivious so as not to gain the suspicion of the police plus Amuro, who knew was extremely intelligent and would figure his identity out in an instant.

You could say being a member of the Black Organisation helped to further his intellect as he realised their cunning methods of assassination were more dangerous than with normal assassins; they could cover up their ways by killing anyone who found out unlike normal assassin's who would only take out their target unless their was a dire reason to do otherwise.

The victim had drank poisoned tea after getting tricked into thinking it was a different type of tea therefore something new she could try as they all had a taste test. The culprit had placed a slice of lemon into her cup of tea, which changed the colour of it due to the lemon's pH and made it more bitter. However, the victim thought that this was just the flavour of the new tea. It was clever yet disturbing as it was used to kill a very close friend.

I need to stop spacing out, before someone asks if I'm okay as they usually do. Whatever though, it's not like the boys need my help but the guests of the patient may require my comfort so here I go, (y/n) thought.

Snapping out of her trance, she turned to the three women who were now sobbing and blaming the other for the crime. This behaviour exposed all three's past giving them all a motive to commit the murder. (y/n) started overthinking again. Maybe it's better if I didn't comfort them lest they snap at me in the midst of being confronted. No, I need to gather my courage and stop avoiding conflict. God, this getting real bad. Maybe I do need to see a therapist because the avoidment attachment is real.

''Would you ladies like anything to eat or drink to soothe your minds or is that not a suitable option in this situation?'' (y/n) enquired hesitating just a bit.

The ladies turned to each other as if asking whether they were serious or not, but still contemplating if it would be better for them to accept the offer.

At last, a blue-haired plaited woman answered with a smile on her face, ''Thank you for the offer Nurse, but I really don't think now's the right time but maybe later if the offer is still up.''

(y/n) smiled back at her responding with a nod. '' Very well, Kosaka-san''.

Just as they turned from her to focus on the scene again, the culprit had been outed, making them look at her again with shock as they recalled how she just gave them a smile.

Yes, it was indeed the patient herself, Juri Kosaka.

But as they thought more about it, equally important thoughts came up, such as when would they take her away seeing as she was currently a patient and would they have to continue treating her knowing what she's really like. On the other hand, they also felt pity for her after finding out the reason for the murder.

They imagined someone killing their unborn that way and realised it would be devasting if it truly happened, yet it would be a petty matter to kill someone over, especially one of your best friends. Clearly her friend's sly personality and attitude towards the issues added to her grief the way her selfishness shined, as she also forced her son to go into school sick during exams to bring the other kids down, making them fail their exams.

But in the end the culprit will be punished and the victim will receive justice, whatever actions they committed prior their death.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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