#1 The Tense Tea Party | part 1 |

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(Y/N) Suzuki was walking through the hallway of the hospital when they noticed some people blocking the corridor. That was inappropriate of them, for they were blocking the way of the patients and doctors. They were going to have to talk to them about that. A blonde suddenly caught their eye as they began to walk to the people that were blocking the way. That person looks familiar... Saki thought to themselves. They carried on walking towards the crowd, planning out the conversation between her and them in her head.

"Excuse me", they stated politely to them whilst also giving them an eye smile. "Would you be able to make a way in the corridor? We can't have the corridor blocked where patients, nurses, and, doctors need to get through." she continued.

"Saki?", a certain blonde muttered. He couldn't tell whether this was an illusion or not. He resorted to pinching himself, but on second thought that might attract attention to him and right now, he does not need it.

"(Y/N) nee-chan!", a brunette with the Illuminati on her head exclaimed.

"Ah, Ran-chan! How are you? It's been way too long!", Saki replied.

"I'm doing well, thanks for asking nee-chan! I didn't expect to see you here!'' Ran replied.

''Oh, I work here, didn't you know? Sorry for not telling you I thought Sonoko would have told you already hehe." (Y/N) scratched the back of their head with slight embarrassment. And (Y/N) responded by questioning Ran, "And what are you doing here, Miss?"

As Ran and (Y/N) continued their conversation, Conan and Amuro froze in bewilderment and shock. They thought she had been a goner. However, they both could not say a word. For one, Conan was no longer Shinichi Kudo, but a first grader. Whereas Amuro is currently using an alias he knew (y/n) may not know about. This meant they both could not say they knew who they were or their cover would have been blown.

"Cute!!!" Screamed a love-struck quack detective.

He began drooling, and as soon as (y/n) noticed him, they looked away in disgust. Amuro, however, had other thoughts. What does he think he's doing?! Wait.... why do I care? It's not as if I like them....right? Anyways, I need to focus on getting information on Kusuda Rikumichi.

Meanwhile, (y/n) was reminiscing the first time they met Ran-chan.

Start of flashback

It was the last day of their school trip, and they were 15. They stayed at the beach as the rest of their classmates left, except for Furuya Rei. He had wanted to stay with them for a while to ensure they were safe from any danger, or so he made himself believe. After a while, he left too. (y/n) had decided to stay back and watch the sunset but it was too early, so they decided to sleep. About sometime later, they were woken up by a ball striking their face. It wasn't too powerful, yet it was enough to give them a bruise.

"Ah! I'm so sorry! Shinchi look what you did! I'm so so sorry, miss!", exclaimed the adorable brunette that was now in front of them.

"Don't worry. It's fine, you are only kids after all! Plus you did apologise and I've just accepted your apology", she replied. "Anyways, what's your name? My name is Saki Suzuki, you can just call me Saki if you want.

"Ahhh... Y-you're... Are you Sonoko's older sister? My-my name is Ran Mouri.", Ran questioned the pretty stranger in front of her, curious yet shocked at the same time.

"Yeah... I am. And that's a nice name you have.", she answered.

She didn't get to hear Ran's response, as a cute boy the same age as Ran, had come to them running; he was apologising for what he had wrongly done. "I assume you're Shinchi, right? Please correct me if I'm wrong! And it's okay, it was just an accident."

"Okay and yeah! My name's Shinchi! Kudo Shinchi!", Shinchi answered.

'No way. Is he that famous novelist's son? If his son is here, that means he must be here too! I need to get an autograph', was all they could think.

Their thoughts were cut by the sound of splashing from the sea and pleas for help could be heard. (y/n) quickly ran towards the person, to discover that it was a man who was slowly drowning in the deep sea. They knew how to swim, the only thing that troubled them was how they were supposed to carry the man out of the water. They decided to just deal with it later and help the man first.

"Quick! Someone call an ambulance!" For the man was not breathing. Whilst waiting for the ambulance to arrive, (y/n) decided to perform CPR on him since they knew how. First, they began mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to give him some oxygen to breathe. They then proceeded to press down on his chest to get the water out. This continued until before the man began to spurt out some water where she moved him onto his side to prevent him from choking on what he would throw up. After some time the man was able to breathe again.

A pair of eyes were watching the scene with hatred as they whispered a loud and clear 'Damn it!'.

End of flashback

A loud, feminine scream cut (y/n)'s thoughts off track. They began to first identify the voice and exclaimed "Juri! That scream came from her room!".

She then proceeded to run towards the room with caution, in case it was a murder to avoid ruining the evidence. She knew a lot about these things because you could say she watched a lot of true crime documentaries. These things excited her, especially during her time at the hospital where there was only the constant moving of patients, doctors, and, nurses. That gets boring quick when it's the only thing you hear outside the room of a specific patient that you're currently caring for.

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