The Tour

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I sat there next to Bob and smelled the terrible stench of sweat and cologne coming from Coyote right behind me.

Bob read a flight manual while I looked out the window past him at the planes we would fly. Hopefully, it would be in THIS century because it took forever for our Flight Principal, Jay Balentine, to arrive.

Finally, the door swished opened and Jay was here.

"ATTENTION ON DECK!" Announced Glenn and motioned for us to stand up straight. 

It came as a shock but we all did it in almost perfect unison.

"At ease, Cadets." Jay said to us. We sat back down.

"You are all probably wonderingly why I'm ordering you around and calling you Cadets. Well, the simple answer is that this school is going to be run like a military school. A certain one for the Navy called Top Gun. Now, none of you are the best of the best, yet that is. That is what this school is going to teach you. First, you'll start off here to get your solo pilot's license, then you'll go up to aerobatic pilot with a Co-pilot that we pick here for you, then, your jet license, also with your Co-pilot. You can go to further schools for further training as for the airlines or the Navy but we want you to be the best there is. Show me what you're all made of." Me and Bob looked at each other. I had a smug grin on my face and Bob had a frown, almost scared of what might happen. Hangman looked down at me as if to say "I'm the best." But he was going down. He doesn't have the balls for it.

"Also, call signs are more than welcome!" Glenn added to Jay's speech.

"Uh sir? We already have them." Bob said happily. Glenn and Jay looked at each other with shock laced on their faces.

"Well then! Tell me one by one!" Jay said as he crossed his arms across his chest.

Hangman stood up first, arms behind back, chest puffed out like a peacock in mating season, a perfect little suck up. "Doug Jones. They call me Hangman." He said like the cocky S.O.B. he was.

Hangman sat down and jumpy Fanboy rose to his feet. "Nick "Fanboy" Chase, sir!" Fanboy said with a salute and a few chuckles from the room.

Next came me. I stood up, placed my hands in front of me and stood up straight. "Gracie "Phoenix" Shepherd, sir." Jay nodded at me.

Bob was next as he pushed his glasses up his nose. His posture screamed "I'm terrified". "Robbie "Bob" Jones. Hangman's brother." Bob always said that he was Hangman's brother.

From the row behind us stood Coyote. His cologne seamed all the more suffocating when he moved. "Jim "Coyote Jackson." He said smoothly. God, I already hated him... and Hangman obviously.

Next, stood up Payback. I didn't turn around to look, but I could tell he was beaming. "Henry Wilfred, sir! Also known as Payback."

Finally came the timid Rooster. I didn't think those two words would be together in one sentence. "Jack "Rooster" Mason, sir." I could hear him trying to psych himself up for that. I knew he was nervous, heck all of us were and are but, it's all part of the job.

Jay smiled at the 7 of us. "Alrighty then! Walk with me and I'll show you guys the facility." We all stood up and followed Jay and Glenn down a long hallway ending with a room on each side.

"The room to the right is y'all's whole entire area! Let's have a look." Jay said as he motioned for us to enter the room.

It was a rec room of sorts, with a flat-screen, video games, darts, a jukebox, pool table, and a piano. All of us smiled and looked at the room we'd be having fun in.

"Now, Rooster here plays the piano so that's why it's here!" Glenn said as he patted the boy on the back.

"Oh you guys didn't have to get something just for me." Rooster said as he scratched his neck. I decided to speak up.

"Oh Rooster, trust me, you're going to put that piano to good use!" I said as looked up at him. 

Every guy was taller than me in here. Compared to other girls my age, I was short but now I'm with 6 guys who are very tall.

Rooster smiled at me as Jay led us to an adjoining room, which was a shower room and bathroom.

"7 shower stalls, 7 bathroom stalls, 7 urinals, and 7 sinks. Here after a long day of flying you might get a little bit sweaty so you can wash up here. And the shower stall reaching to the celling  is for Phoenix." Jay said as all 7 of us took in the sight. I smiled at the fact that they thought to put in a built-up shower for me.

"Guess that means no shower and a show. Eh boys?" Hangman said as he looked me up and down. Rooster even got upset and was shaking his head.

"Shut up Bagman." I said as I shoved him as the rest of the group continued to walk into the next room.

The next room was a locker room with tons of lockers and the sinks were in here.

"This is a locker room obviously. With the sinks being in here instead of the bathroom. You and whoever your Co-pilot and Wingman are will be assigned one section each." Hangman got the same glint in his eye like he was going to say something stupid again.

"Maybe if I'm your Co-pilot of even Wingman I'll get to have a show." This time, Rooster got in his face.

"Shut up Hangman! We all get it! You wanna see her naked! But she CLEARLY DOSEN'T LIKE YOU!" Rooster yelled at the stuck up blonde. Hangman huffed in offense.

"You don't know that." Hangman said as he got right back in Rooster's face.

The two had a stare off until I jumped in and broke the two up.

"Guys. We just met and we don't need to have are feathers ruffled just yet. Let it go." I said as I got in between them and pushed some distance between the two. Testosterone's a bitch.

The two nodded and moved on with the tour of the final room: a bunk room.

"And finally, here is the sleeping quarters for our summer camp that we'll have. Oh I forgot to mention that you guys have flight suits in your lockers and when we get your call signs written down, we'll have patches and dog tags made up!"

I didn't know there was going to be a summer camp or anything. But I was worried more about having to sleep in the same room as 6 highly hormonal boys. Hangman smiled his smug grin at me as Rooster burned a hole through him. I shook my head and continued walking back to the rec room.

When would we actually fly?

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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