11. the bite and chris

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The whole thing was incredibly strange and when Mikayla arrived at a broken down warehouse, it became clear to her that Kaiden was never actually going to be taking her out for ice cream.

"For the dramatic effect I assume you're after, where are we and what are you doing?" Mikayla asked, rolling her eyes as she twirled a piece of hair between her fingers. Instead of fear, Mikayla felt a sudden surge of bravery and wasn't going to play along. This girl wasn't going down without a fight and if a fight was what they wanted, then bring it, she could easily take down one measly teenage boy.

"Well you see, my dear, the alpha has had his eye on you for a while now and since he is a fan of irony, he decided what better irony than making the hunter, the hunted?" Kaiden taunted and suddenly everything began to click and her pulse quickened considerably.

"I'll have to kill myself then, it's the code."

"Even better, it will give them a taste of their own medicine. I couldn't tell you how many pack members you hunters have murdered! Innocent lives taken by selfish fools."

"What about Chris?"

"Chris isn't one of you, he isn't a hunter. He will also be offered the bite as a reward for his loyalty."

"You think he will be loyal once he discovers you're responsible for my death?"

"He'll never know."

"That's where you're wrong-"

"Hush now, the alpha appreciates silence and I have a strange feeling that we are running out of time." Kaiden cooed and with one swift moment, Kaiden harshly elbowed Mikayla in the head and everything went black, fear finally settling in her stomach as her last thought was Derek and she fell into a sea of unconsciousness.


Muffled voices were all Mikayla could hear and her sight was blurry, but once she came to, she suddenly wished she was unconscious again. In front of her was her Chemistry teacher, Mr Michaelson, flanked by werewolves Mikayla recognised as students.

"Don't worry, you slept through the bite, which is always the worst bit." Mr Michaelson smirked, as two students came towards her and instant tried to attack her. Despite being in immense pain and incredibly confused, the blonde defeated the two betas with no difficulty whatsoever.

"What the actual hell?" The blonde demanded, waving her hands about as she tried to make sense of the situation.

"Those two used to be my best fighters, it's clear now that you have easily won that title and you will be a very useful werewolf. Why I didn't turn you sooner is beyond me." Mr Michaelson rambled, mostly to himself, but his statements were aimed at Mikayla. "Mikayla Griffin, ex-hunter and incredible werewolf. You, my dear, will be of great use to me and because of that, I no longer wish for your death. No, we shall keep your true form a secret, the hunters must never know and that means you must always be in control. Do you understand, Mikayla?"

"I understand, what I don't understand though is why you think I'd be on your side after all this!" Mikayla exclaimed, glaring viciously at the werewolves surrounding her.

"It's the full moon getting to you, my dear, Kaiden, perhaps it's best if we send her back to sleep?"

"Of course." Kaiden replied, approaching Mikayla but before he could send a blow to her head she gripped his arm and twisted it around, before pushing him to the ground and then kicking his head hard enough to knock him out.

"Feisty one, you are. Taylor, why don't you give our new member her shots?" Mr Michaelson grinned and before Mikayla could make sense of what was going on, a dark headed girl came up behind her and stuck a syringe into her neck, instantly sending the Griffin girl to sleep, her limp body collapsing to the ground as though she was dead.

What the werewolves did not anticipate was Derek Hale and Chris Argent making an appearance, the two both unaware of the horrors Mikayla would be forced to face when she woke up.

Taylor roughly picked up Mikayla and threw her onto the bench, placing a thin blanket over her body just as Mr Michaelson ordered, but Derek and Chris had already seen her and it was too late.

"Kaiden! What have you done?" Chris demanded, emerging from the shadows with a angry Derek by his side.

"Chris, I did what had to be done. I didn't have a choice, you understand, you always understand."

"Not this time, you knew how important Mikayla was to me, how dare you take her life away!"

"She isn't dead, Chris, just sleeping."

"But she's a werewolf, isn't she? I don't know if you know, but when a hunter is turned, they must kill themselves and you did that to her!" Chris yelled, fed up with Kaiden's meaningless excuses as his best friend turned and began to approach Chris, now taunting him with his claws outstretched.

"You helped me though, Chris, didn't you? You were the one that convinced her to give me a chance, so her blood is on your hands just as it is mine. It's your fault and now there is nothing you can do about it."

Kaiden was now face to face with Chris, the hunter pulling a gun up to his best friend's stomach and squeezed his eyes closed, allowing just one tear to fall.

"I'm sorry." Chris whispered as he pulled the trigger and watched Kaiden stumble backwards with shock and betrayal written all over his face. Chris knew the bullet would eventually kill Kaiden, but as the werewolf tried to claw at Chris, he had no choice but to keep shooting him until the werewolf couldn't heal anymore and just like that, Chris watched his best friend die. Kaiden's blood staining Chris' shirt as Derek stared at him in shock.

"I, uh, I didn't know you had that in you." The beta whispered, nudging Chris softly as other werewolves cautiously approached the two.

"Neither did I." He responded weakly before shooting aimlessly into the pack of werewolves, quickly taking them down with cries of pain as Derek ran through them and fought them till they were left unconscious. Derek seeming to magically heal as werewolves tried clawing at him.

Bodies were soon scattered around as Chris held back his tears and tried to stop shaking, he couldn't believe he had done this, he had ended so many lives.

"It wasn't as though they were innocent, you did the right thing. Mikayla would be proud." Derek tried to comfort, awkwardly patting Chris on the back.

"I bet she would be." The drawling voice belonging to their chemistry teacher boomed, the two teenagers shuddering. "You boys better run along home now before something awful happens."

"Okay, we'll just get Mikayla and be on our way."

"No, you will leave the girl, after all she is the only beta I have left."

"I'm sorry, but we didn't do all this to leave without her."

"I agree with these two losers, we'll be going now. Thanks for the wonderful hospitality though." Mikayla said, groaning a little as she hobbled over to the boys.

"No, you won't."

"Yes, actually they will." Kate called out from the doorway, throwing a wolvesbane threaded knife at Mr Michaelson which hit him perfectly in between the eyes. The teenagers all hurried away as their teacher fell to the floor, doing their best to forget about what had happened, but that event had just scarred them all and it was something they were never to forget, even in many years to come.

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