Growing up

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Zila got home just before the rain began to pour. She was glad she did not get trapped. She quickly bath Zona and had her bath too. She wasn't a foodie and what she had consumed at the restaurant was just enough for her.
7:00am...The next day
Zila had to get up and prepare Zona for daycare. She was old enough and she had registered her the previous day. She quickly bath her, breastfed her,had a snappy breakfast,took her own bath and packed her bags.
Zona was looking very pretty. Her mom took some quick shots of her. She was about to post on social media when she saw it was past 8 which meant she would be late for work.
She quickly did one or two things and locked the door and left. It was pretty easy finding a taxi as they stayed in an urban area. Luckily for Zila, Zona's daycare was in the same direction with her office where she worked as a typist. She quickly got out dropped her and zoomed off.
When she entered the office, she looked lost, Roseline who was at work before her and immediately noticed and asked the reason for her facial expression.
Zila really hated talking to people about her personal problems especially not Roseline. She still had regrets on making her, her daughter's godmother but she couldn't tell why.
"Down to earth,Zila"- Roseline screamed
"What?, am ok"-Zila said
"Still having second thoughts on confiding in me"-Roseline
"Am sorry if you think am poke-nosing"-Roseline
"Whatever"-Zila said walking out as she was not in the mood for any unnecessary arguments.
Roseline rolled her eyes at her, she still kept something...
In the same office and on the same floor where Zila worked was the same person who had always kept tab on her and her child. But who is this, someone who had....

Zona grew into a beautiful girl. Her mom always knew she was pretty but she saw the real meaning of pretty when she had her child. Zona outgrew crying and became very calm. She soon stopped going to the daycare at two and was being home schooled by the old lady,Nana. Zona was very fast in grabbing things.
At 5, she knew all her alphabets, her Roman numerals,her Arabic numerals and she was very good at identifying  objects. She was enrolled into basic school,where she started from basic one. She did exceptionally brilliant from her basic one to basic five. She skipped basic six because got a double promotion and passed her Basic School Leaving Examination (BSLC) very well. She got enrolled in a nearby high school where she started as a middle schooler, she finished high school and graduated as the best student.
Zila couldn't have asked for more. She was so happy to have a child like Arizona. Meanwhile, Zila had stopped working as a typist, she opened her own boutique. She was making progress and she made sure she saved enough for Zona's university.
... Zona's POV
My mom never talks about my dad. She usually said he got lost and was never found. I get bullied most times for being the kid without a dad. I don't really tell mom stuffs I know would make her worry. Her work is enough worry for her. Tomorrow is my sixteenth birthday. I know with just mom and I, it would be a blast. I never really had parties neither did I have much friends. Leila was my closest friend but she was out of town with her family.
...Zila's POV
Arizona turned ten and yet I had nothing to tell her about her dad. She came back from school everyday crying and wanting to know her dad. The only thing I could tell is that he is lost and we can't find him yet. What more could I have said to her. She was too young to get hurt and understand what actually happened. She would be 16 tomorrow and I actually pray she has gotten used to the fact that she may grew up her whole life without a dad. Not like I did not try reaching him. He called one day, he only said my wife then there was a rustle from the other end and the call ended. I was so sure I heard a familiar voice. I tried calling the number every other day but it never went through. I tried tracking it but it led me nowhere. Then I decided to go to his family but they did not spare me a glance. They said I went to get pregnant from outside just to blame it on their son. I left their house happy at least that they knew where he was. The only thing that saddened my heart was when I heard he had remarried. I tried getting more details but to no avail. My whole world crumbled knowing I haven't only lost him but my child has lost her father this was when Arizona was just three years old.
It's Arizona's birthday,
Zila called out but no response
Arizona... What!!!

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