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He changed his identity and moved to an area very close to where Zila lived. Every morning,he would watch her take her daughter to school but he never saw Zila's face no matter how hard he tried. She was either looking the other way or the distance between them was never close enough. He did not want to scare her which was why he never approached her. He followed them till he found where Zona schooled and the boutique Zila owned. He tried many times to talk to her but he never had the courage yet he still felt the connection. He neither saw her being intimate with any man nor any man living with them.

Alex went to Arizona's school to get a job. He wanted to bond with her and know more about her. He started working as a janitor. He noticed Arizona was very nice and it wasn't difficult being friends with her. At the tender age of 3, she was very cheerful and smart. He started talking to her gradually. Then he started asking about her parents and why she only had a mom. That was one of the reasons she always asked her mom about her dad. When he noticed she always felt sad when he asked about her dad. He stopped asking, then he started creating a bond with her. It took time before it happened though. Alex did all this without Roseline or his family's knowledge.
One day he decided to call Zila with the number Zona had given him, but he wasn't able to because Roseline had come back earlier than expected from work and had decided to visit Alex. As soon as she heard him say my wife, she was sure something was up. She quickly snatched his phone and ended the call. He confronted her about it.
"Zila is with someone else, Alex she would never come back to you" -Roseline
"Are you just to blind to notice she's remarried or can't you see me right here? Do you think I am doing all these because I want you to go back to someone who you never really mattered too? - Roseline
"I mattered to her and nothing changes that. You are just being jealous and caught up in your own world of envy" - Alex
"Caught up in a world of envy" - she replied sarcastically
"If that's what you think, then how come she stopped searching for you. I know you have regained your memory but one thing you should take note of is that Zila never cared for you. She searched for you for months and stopped yet you think she loves you. You know what I was just being too friendly, go have fun with yourself" - she said and walked out.

Alex knew Zila had not remarried because Arizona told him so. He decided to go faraway because he did not want to ruin anyone's life. Zila looked happy without him or so he thought. He left without telling anyone at all. He moved to a new location where he stayed for about 10 years sorting out his life. He did not leave without employing a spy to give him updates on what happened with Zila and Arizona. He could tell Arizona was his child because he had a DNA test conducted and it proved she was his child. Alex decided to hook up with Arizona using Instagram. He chatted with her as though he was her age mate. He used his neighbor's son's picture and was able to disguise himself so well. He got to know a lot more about her since she grew by getting information from both the spy and Arizona. He decided to visit Arizona on her 16th birthday. He was willing to show himself to his family. He knew going away was a bad idea but he needed to take his head off from a lot of things.

He wanted to be the first to wish her a happy birthday, so he stayed by her window all night. He never spoke to her with his actual voice. So he made his neighbor's son do the talking. Arizona noticed the boy standing with an older man. She asked who he was and then after he introduced himself, she remembered him though looked different from when he worked in her school. She wondered what he was doing here. Alex could read her mind and introduced himself as the boy's dad and he...
He saw Zila standing very close to the window. He had a very terrible headache instantly and fainted.
*The boy's name was Alex jnr. He had to use that to prove he was Alex's son*

In the hospital
Alex woke up with a start.
"Zila, you are my wife. I remember everything now. I did not understand why it was difficult to remember the moments I had with you. I tried different form of medications and pills yet you were the only one who had a blur in my memory".
Zila was so happy that she found him at last though a lot had changed about him, she ran to him and hugged him. Zona was so confused including Alex jnr. Alex was discharged and they went home. They had a family night were everything was explained and all that happened in the past were opened up. Zona couldn't help it but cry, all her life she never knew her father was just step away from her.
... The family got reunited,they moved to a new city. Roseline got arrested. Alex cut ties with his family, he never expected them to have been that harsh and wicked to his wife. He was very happy to finally be reunited with his family. After a year, Alex junior was finally born. The family lived happily ever after 🤗

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