Ch. 4: Tourney Games and a New Crush

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Tourney Game Outfit Above (with white ballet flats)

I was walking to my locker which was right next to Ben's

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I was walking to my locker which was right next to Ben's. I saw Mal and Jay talking and she handed Jay a baggy with a  cookie in it. When Mal shuts her locker Jay walks over to the ledge where a groups of girls immediately rush to greet him.

"Oh Hello. The name's Jay. You girls coming to the tourney game today?" Jays asks while flirting with the girls. "Keep a lookout for number 8, alright? Scoring the winning goal." I rolled my eyes and slam my locker shut and turn to walk away.

As I go to walk past Mal and Jay, Jay turns around and sees me. "Hey Foxy." He says with a smile. I spare a small glance at Jay and walk down the hall.

I was halfway down the hall when I heard Jay running up behind me. "Hey. Foxy, what was that?" He says as he steps in front of me. "Go back to flirting with those other girls Jay. Obviously you don't care who's feelings you hurt." I say as I try to move past him.

He blocks my way though. "I don't care about those girls. I care about you." He said moving a piece of my hair behind my ear as he looks into my eyes.

"You sure about that? Cause it sure doesn't look like it." I say and swat his hand away and try to maneuver around him again. "Just...come to the game. Please? And I got you something. Mal and Evie made cookies last night and there was a few extra. So I got one for you. Don't eat it until the game though." He said handing me the baggy and kissing my cheek and walking away.

I started blushing and I put my hand against my cheek where his lips laid. Just then Kat and Evie came walking up to me. "Ooh. Evie. Look who's blushing." Kat said with a smile. "Did Jay finally ask you out? He's been talking about it nonstop." Evie said with a happy cheer.

"Stop!" I said with a laugh. "You ready to head to the game?" Kat asked. "Yup." I said. I looped arms with Evie and Kat and walked to the tourney field.

*Time Skip*
(Bare with me. This is gonna be bad.)

The girls and I were sitting on the stands when I started getting hungry. I took the cookie Jay gave me and took a bite.


'Man. Jay looks so good in his jersey. The blue really brings out his eyes and skin tone. And his hair. God his hair. It looks so good tied back like that. He's so handsome.'

I was brought out of my thoughts by Maddie shaking me. "We won!" She screamed. I shook my head clear before sharing a hug with Maddie and Kat.

"What an unselfish play by Jay! What a team!" The announcer shouts. "GO JAY! WOO!" I screamed from my spot on the stands.

Ben and the boys come over and Ben steals the mic from the announcer. "Excuse me. Excuse me! Can I have your attention, please?" He says and steps onto the shooters post. "There's something I'd like to say." He says then looks around briefly. "Give me an 'M'!" He shouts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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