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She seemed shocked at my proposal, and I continued to hold my hand out. "The choice is yours, of course."

"But- you never dance with anyone-"

I chuckled faintly. "Let me explain, if you're seen dancing with me, it'd mean you're 'good enough' for me, as dumb as that is. Others will take interest in you and make an attempt at courting." I smiled lightly. "Allow me to use my reputation to help you."

"That'll also make me seem like 'competition' to many girls. You're quite sought after." She chuckled.

"Hm, by now, they should realize that I'm not one they should set their eyes on. They know my reputation as a loner, so it'd be expected that they don't bother." I hmmed. "Shall we dance, Ms. Fairchild?"

I could tell she was mildly hesitant before she took my hand, nodding. "Lead the way."

I smiled and led her out to the center of the room. I could feel the eyes on us as we moved, and I think she could, too. She was glancing around slightly as we moved.

"Miss Fairchild. Look at me." I lightly touched her chin, turning her head so she would look at me. "Ignore them. They do not matter. Just look at me." I smiled, setting a hand on her waist gently.

She nodded, and her face flushed softly as she took my free hand, setting her other on my shoulder.

At first, I moved slowly, allowing her to understand the movement.

She clearly knew the dance, as most did, but she seemed uncertain in a sense. "Miss Fairchild, may I ask you a question?"

She looked up, meeting my eyes. "Yes?"

"Is this your first season? I don't believe I saw you last year." I kept dancing with her, leading as she followed.

"It is, yes." She nodded, her thumb brushing against my knuckles slightly. "My elder sister started at seventeen. I wanted to take an extra year to make sure I felt sure and ready."

"That is understandable. This is my third. It was simply because my father passed the title to me. So it was expected I be here." I smiled, moving with her. We moved so smoothly together, and I enjoyed it.

"Your father passed it to you? Don't most inherit it when their parents pass?"

"Traditionally, yes." I smiled. "But my mother and father wanted to take a step back from all of this. So the title, and everything that comes with it, were left to me. Including my younger sister. My parents aren't far, so we see them often but."

She smiled softly and nodded. "It must be nice, to be able to live in the quiet." She kept moving along with me. "Granted, my house can be loud just due to how many of us are there. Though we tend to sit in the library and read."

I smiled, stopping once the music ended. "We wouldn't want to dance too much, it could start rumours. Though, I hope to see you again Miss Fairchild." I moved, leaning down and lightly kissing the back of her hand and lightly bringing her to the edge of the room.

She smiled faintly. "You as well, Lord Salmon."

I smiled and nodded to her before walking off. Around me, I could hear the murmurs. About how I danced with someone.

I could only hope that my idea worked, that hopefully it draws attention to her so that she may find someone.

I hoped whoever was drawn to her, was good. She seems so very sweet, and kind, and smart.

She deserved someone good.

And I hoped that she got them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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