
780 9 3

This is normal writing.
This is thinking writing or memory
This is me talking
This is a sound effect


"Do you have a place to stay tonight?"He asked the obvious as he had seen my screen.

But I lied.

"No I do.."I said with a mouthful of lies.

"Then why are you looking up places to stay?"trying his best not to be nosy but it wasn't the best or the worst I have seen.

"Well...I'm looking for a friend she needs me to find her one,"feeling guilty of what I had just said so I just plastered a fake smile.

"Oh ok my bad..I never told you my name it's Nate, you?"He asked

"I'm Millie want my number?" I smiled

"Yes please I would love to hang out!" Nate cried in excitement

So me and Nate exchanged numbers and went off in opposite directions.

All so I thought.

As I walked down I found a cardboard box so I picked it up and layed it down,placing myself on top.

It was so cold I was shivering I gripped my jacket around myself as if it was a  2nd layer of skin.

My head felt like a drum I felt sick to my stomach and my eyelids became heavy not from sleep but from the cold.

"Millie?"Nate asked with concern all over his face.

I stood up to look at him but I felt so weak my legs started to shake and Nate noticed so he held me,my legs went weak and so did my consciousness.

I passed out.


"Millie?" I shook her but she wouldn't wake up.

I picked her up bridal style carrying her to my car and placing her down in the car seat.

Running to get blankets, as I came back she was shaking I swear she had frostbite I tucked the blankets into her sides .

I got into the drivers seat turned on the car and turned the heating in the car on.

Driving back to my house I thought about her me saving her from that douche and she lied?

She was beautiful how could anyone cheat or break her heart she's too good for people,for me.

I hear a groan I quickly look over she was in pain her head kept rolling around and she kept moaning in pain.

I pull up to my house.

I quickly get over to her and pick her up with the blankets, she was so light it felt like a feather.

I placed her on the floor with a pillow and turned the fireplace on. Her clothes were stuck and soaked from the heavy rain before.

I went to take of her jeans then thought about it so I closed my eyes and took the jeans off then her shirt leaving her in undergarments I pulled on a white shirt around her.

"Nate..mm.."She groaned tossing and turning I went to look at her to see she was pale as snow.

"Hey Millie wake up?"Lightly shaking her awake.

She jolted awake


My heavy breathing filled the room,panic came over me. Tears ran down my face as flashes of my memory

"Shh..Its ok your ok,"Someone pulled me in their arms and hushed me. The scent was familiar it was Nate.

My tears stained his grey shirt but he didn't care.

As I pulled away I look into his eyes with the guilt of lies I said and how I pulled him into this mess.

"I'm sorry, for everything I will go now," I apologised and began to walk out opening his front door I felt a grip on my arm.

"Don't please for me,consider this you repaying me for saving u at the store."He begged for me to stay and so I did just for him.

He smiled at me

I would go through heaven and hell to see that smile everyday,though I wanted to stare at his beauty for hours it would be weird. So I looked away.

"Why did you lie Mils?" He asked with concern.

"I didn't want you to have to deal with my shit."I looked at the ground in shame.I felt soft fingers wrap around my chin and pull me up.

"Why would you ever think that?" He chuckled in a polite manner.

"In don't know.. "I thought about it I didn't even have a decent reason.

We sat down at his couch, a seat apart.

I stared into the dark black screen as the figure stared back. What have I done? In this moment in time I was in a a apartment with a man that saved my life!

"Want something to eat?"Nate suggested  I haven't ate since god knows how long.

I pull my white clean shirt around my body for comfort and ask softly,


He smiled and got up followed with then rustling in the cabinets.

A few minutes have passed and I hear steps coming.

"Hope you like sandwiches with juice!"Nate yelled fixing his posture when he sat down next to me this time.

I began to eat and drink my juice as I finished I layed back down drifting asleep as my head hit something soft I fell right asleep.

It was his shoulder and I could feel his smile radiating from miles away.

I'm so so sorry for not posting lately I just have school and I had my birthday few days ago and a party today!!

I hope this chapter makes it up to you <3

Word count:940

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