Chapter 1

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Claw purred with triumph as he eyed his opponent. They would be easy to take down. He leaped at them, aiming to attack.

Claw let out an annoyed grunt as he missed the butterfly. His paws slided across the dirt in screeting noise. Foxdung!

He craned his neck back up at the butterfly, leaped, but missed it again. He was only on his first moon, and yet, he couldn't catch a butterfly!?

He jumped, trying to catch the butterfly, but attacked air instead as the butterfly started flapping. "Come back!" he meowed. "I just wanna play!"

The butterfly landed onto a small rock. Claw grinned as he saw his chance and lowered his body as small as it could manage, before launching at it before missing horribly and crashing into fur.

He sat down and blinked upwards to see a brown tom with amber eyes, tattered ears, a patch of fur missing on his back, and scars running down his right eye, closing it.

He squinted before recognizing Gore, the leader of the group

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He squinted before recognizing Gore, the leader of the group.

He smiled, "Hi, dad!"
Gore let out a growl.
Claw flattened his ears, feeling ashamed. "I mean—hi sir..."

Gore let out a grunt. "That's better. And watch where you're going, what could of you possibly of been doing?"
Claw's came back quickly, and he sat up, his tail lashing happily. "Oh! I was chasing a butterfly!"

Gore's eyes were cold as he raised an eyebrow. "Did you unsheathe your claws?"
Claw widened his eyes in horror. "Wha-no! Never! That would hurt it!"
Gore lowered his head to meet eyes with Claw with a snarl. "You should've killed it! How could my own son be so cowardly? You should always go for the kill!"
"But... it was just a butterfly—"

"Oh? Will you look at prey and think, oh nooo, I'm don't wanna hurt such a precious creature! Pathetic!" His eyes blazed with anger.
"Well, I—!"

Claw flinched as he felt his mother, Vole, go in between Gore and him, and Claw was only between Vole's front paws. She had similar fur to his, except she had darker tipped ears and the tip of her tail, and a diamond marking on her chest.

 She had similar fur to his, except she had darker tipped ears and the tip of her tail, and a diamond marking on her chest

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Vole didn't pay attention. "How can you yell at your own kit!? He's only one moon!"
Gore narrowed his eyes. "I was only giving him a parental scolding to do what's right."
Claw tilted his head. IS killing right..?

Vole snorted. "Not from where I'm standing. A scolding doesn't require snarling at a kit."
Gore rolled his eyes. "Oh, like you know sooo much about parenting. This is your very first litter, Vole!"

Claw flinched. He hated to see his parents argue, even though they did it all the time.

Quietly, he snucked the other way of Vole's body and snuck between her forelegs, skipping away from the two arguing cats.

He sighed as he padded towards a river, seeing his reflection.

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