Ch.1 Introductions.

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Hello. My name is Melissia Skulleg, although I commonly go by Melly or Mel. I'm 15 years old, and I go to Rockfall High-school. When it comes to grades, I come in 2nd or 3rd place. I have sort of dark red-velvet hair that goes down to my shoulders and a bit more. My eyes are light blue, and I'm about 5'7. I have a few friends, but I mostly like to keep the numbers down to 3 or 5 when I'm making friends, you can always have too many, right? Anyways, I currently have about 3 friends. Their names are Nathan, Hiru and Marell. Nathan is my personal favorite, since he's always real kind with anyone. He's like my best friend, and we get along super well (obviously). I also like Hiru. She and I get along as much as Nathan and I do. Sometimes, I like to think of Nathan, Hiru and I as siblings because we're so close.

I'm not that fond of Marell, but he's really smart. He's number 2 in our class, and that's only because Hiru beats him by miles. Nathan and I think they secretly compete against each other just for the kicks of it. Anyways, Hiru's 16, Nathan's 15, and Marell's about 17. Hiru goes to a different school than us, but it's not that far from Rockfall. She's got her own little group, but they're way worse than us. Trust me, I've seen 'em. Hiru's got about waist length of light gray hair, she's got bangs that cover her eyes, and she's about around 2 inches short of my height. She's insecure about her eyes, but don't tell her you got that from me.

Next up, Nathan. Nathan has nice, warm, light hazelnut hair that's a bit long, but just perfect enough. He also has these amazingly big, dark chocolate eyes that match his hair, and he's exactly 6ft tall. A lot of times I catch myself getting too lost in his eyes, and its become an inside joke in our group. He has an amazing personality to go along with it as well. Not afraid of the unknown -he actually loves to explore the unknown-, kind, fierce and especially protective. He's sort of the big papa bear of our group. That's another inside joke, if you couldn't tell. We call him "Big bear", or "Tall papa". Weird I know, but don't go blaming me. Moving onto our last contestant, Marell.

Marell's quite tall, he's like 6'3. A lot of times he's a pure rock-headed sour-mouth, other times he's nice I guess, and the rest of the times he's back to rock-headed sour-mouth, just smart. Only a couple of us like him, only because he's smart. He can help us get out of bad situations, and if not, then it's most definitely Hiru or Nathan. Hiru and Marell definitely have a weird friendship. There's some sort of tension bteween them, but after a while it settles down, then it unfortunately gets worse. Well anyways, Marell has dyed and faded purple hair, thin glasses, and green eyes. He's not what I'd call attractive, but it's something, I guess. 

I've already told you a lot about his personality, so no need for me to repeat it. A lot of times, you can never really get mad at the guy. He knows more than you, plenty more, and he could overpower you in a flash. Him and I have gotten into plenty of arguments, and countless times I've been proven wrong. There's multiple arguments in our friendship because I'm stubborn and like to get my way, but I usually don't when it comes to him.

Now that you know everyone, let's get started with the story. Trust me, this is gonna be a bumpy ride, so make sure you've got snacks and drinks, and plenty of reasons to live...or just reasons to read this. Oh, and just a warning, I'm not gonna go easy on you with a bit of gore here and there.

Enjoy, and welcome to Skulledge.

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