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This is about johnny and Soda recently got together and it's awkward but cute :)

Johnny's sitting on the couch with ponyboy looking at the book pony's reading Soda and Steve walk in the living room with their work uniform on

Johnny feels nervous and looks at his lap blushing his hands slightly shaking Soda takes his shirt off johnny quickly glances up and his eyes widen

Soda walks to his room to change clothes Steve snatches pony's book

"Hey! Lay off!" Pony says grabbing it back and huffs

Johnny stands up and walks to the front door

"Hey where are you going?" Pony asks

"Smoke" Johnny mumbles and opens the front door He closes it and sits on the steps

He opens the packs of smokes and grabs the last one he was about to light it but someone sits beside him he looks over and see its Soda his cheeks darken and quickly looks away

"You know you shouldn't smoke johnny it'll cause ya cancer" He glances at him and smiles

"Y-Yeah" He mumbles and puts the cig back in its box

"Where are you staying tonight?" He scoots closer to him

"Probably the lot.." He mumbles looking at his beat up shoes

"Don't stay at the lot its October! Ya going to freeze johnny! Stay here with me"

"I don't wanna be—"

Soda cuts him off quickly

"Johnny you ain't gonna be a bother! Besides ponyboys staying the night with a friend and I wanna spend time with you"

Soda grabs Johnny's hand gently on his lap Johnny tries to let go but Soda tightens his grip

"Please?" Soda asks

"Is-is darry ok with it?.." Johnny mumbles

"Of course he's OK with it"

Soda stands up and holds a hand out for Johnny his shakey hands grab onto sodas and stands up

"Ya need to speak up kid I can barely hear ya" Soda says chuckling

They let go of hands and go back inside johnny sits back on the couch while Soda goes to the bathroom and takes a shower

"Where'd Steve go?" Johnny asks Pony

"Laying in my room" Pony huffs

15 minutes later Soda comes out of the bathroom with wet hair Steve comes out of the room and leaves the house but making sure to kick Pony in the shin before he leaves

Pony looks at the clock and stands up quickly causing johnny to flinch

"Sorry johnny I'm late!"

Pony quickly puts his shoes on and shouts that he's leaving to go to his friends house leaving johnny all alone in the living room

He nibbles at his lip nervous and messing with his hands in his lap

Johhny don't know what to do he's scared to go in pony's room with Soda in there but he's all alone in the living room

Johnny quickly stands up and walks to pony's room He stands at the door and sees Soda taking his shirt off

"U-uhm...c-can I stay in here with y-you?.." Johnny mumbles stuttering

Johhny pinches his thumb for stuttering but he always stutters when he's nervous especially around sodapop

Soda turns around and looks at Johnny and smiles

"Of course johnny do you want to cuddle?"

Sodas a big fan of cuddling.

Johnny nods his head yes and takes his jean jacket off laying it on the desk

Soda gets into bed and leaves a spot for Johnny johnny shly gets into bed with him Soda wraps his arm across his waist  johnny stiffens afraid he's going to mess something up

"Johnny you're ok it's just me in here you don't have to be so afraid.."

"I-i know Soda..  its just I'm afraid o-of messing something up.."

"Johnny you ain't gonna mess nothing up I want you to feel comfortable around me"

Johnny slowly lays his arm across sodas waist

(They're laying side by side)

"Johnny can you promise me if you ever get hurt you'll come here and I'll fix ya up or Pony and darry one of us can.."

"S-sure Soda i-ill try.."

Soda kisses Johnny's forehead creating butterflies in both of their stomachs

sodapop x johnny oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now