Outings and Boredom

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Ah chapter 4, where Isa has to deal with her apathy, her friends, and her parents, plus some conflict with her angel?! Oh my!
The mall. A veritable maelstrom of teenagers, shops, and people. Of boys checking out girls and girls checking out the latest fashions.

Even when I wasn't like how I am now I disliked the mall. So I'm asking myself how did I let my friends(?) take me here?

Oh right. Halloweens coming up. Jordan wants an 'authentic' gender bent cosplay and Persephone wants a costume that challenges social norms.

Ugh, kill me now. I'd welcome that.

"What's with that face Isa?" Jordan asked.

"Nothing, just thinking what my costumes going to be." I lied.

"Go as a slut! Easiest costume ever." Persephone said. So go as you?

"No! Go as an anime character!" Jordan said, holding a bunch of tights two sizes too small.

Persephone and Jordan discussed my costume, completely ignoring me. Like always. I should be a Christmas tree, no one would ignore me...oh who am kidding! They totally would.

Ugh, I just wanna go home and stare at my wall while contemplating my meaningless life. Or talk to Tostitosbro. The latter option sounds less appealing but better.

We went around in circles through the mall. Three times. We entered every single store thrice and they weren't satistfied with anything. My feet were hurting and I wasn't even wearing heels like  Persephone.

By the time we sat down to eat lunch they were tired and I was irritated.

"Do we go into the stores again or what?" Jordan asked with her mouth full. Gross.

"I'm too tired to go into the stores again. And coming from me that's saying something." Persephone said, rubbing her feet.

I played with my food. I was too irritated to add to the conversation. There's a thousand things I'd rather do than go into same crap ass stores to buy a shitty costume to go to a shitty party I don't even want to effing go to.

"Isa, you haven't eaten."

"I'm not hungry." I said

"Do you have an eating disorder?"

"No." I blandly said. I just don't want to be here anymore.

"There's gotta be a place where we can buy nice costumes." Persephone said after swallowing her food.

"Hey, Isa, doesn't your stepmom own some sort of clothing store?" Jordan said with her mouth full.

Crap, they remembered.

"Yeah, she does." I said woefully.

"Then that's it! Let's finish up and go there!" Jordan said, still with food in her mouth.

"Swallow bitch, swallow!" Persephone said annoyed.

"You swallow, you're the expert."


After the 20 minute drive from the mall to Fiona's store I realized I hate Meghan Trainor with a passion. I was all too happy to get out of the car to get away from thay terrible song. I practically leaped and kissed the ground.

"Next time Persephone, I pick the songs." Jordan said just as angry and irritated as I was.

"Oh please, she's not that bad. Better than Iggy." Persephone claimed.

"Anything's better than Iggy. A kangoroo using its joey as drumsticks sounds better than Iggy. But enough about how far the Grammy's have fallen, let's get our costumes!" Jordan ran inside while me and Persephone rolled our eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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