Part 5~

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Jessie's pov

It's the first day of school! Getting to know each other was fun and all but now we'll find out why we're here.

"Morning Blaire!" I yelled running down the corridor.

"Mornin'!" She replied happily, it was a stark contrast to how she was the other day.

She was wearing the uniform we were given at the start of the treasure hunt.

School doesn't start for another few hours but we agreed that we would try to look for Uranus.

"Guys!"Candace shouted from down the corridor.

"We're coming." James sighed walking behind her.

At first we were all gonna go together but they were afraid that they'd wake up Bella and Blake. That would lead to a whole bunch of questions.

We all slipped on our shoes and left.

"So we're looking for Uranus, right?" James asked us laughing a bit.

"Anything to do with Orphiuchus." Blaire replied.

"No the accents back." Candace said softly, making us all smile, besides Blaire who's face flushed slightly at the repeated mockery of her accent.

"There are 10 members of Ophiuchus right?" I asked.

"Yup and we already know Uranus is definitely one." Candace replied.

We moved into the main school buildings and there were 2 different paths we could go.

"You wanna go this way?" Candace asked me.

"Sure!" I said, "You guys go that way."

As we walked away we could feel the annoyance from James and Blaire because we left them together.

Blaire's pov

Jessie sent me and James to what we discovered was the Teachers part of the school. Where I guess they all sleep and stuff.

"In there." James whispered.

In the room on the left of us Uranus was talking to a girl who looked like a genderbend Eric. She looked a lot cheaper than him somehow.

"That girl looks like Bella." James said squinting his eyes.

Yeah, that's what I meant to say.

"Can you hear them?" I asked leaning in closer.

We looked each other dead in the eye while our ears were both against the wall.

"Staring competition" He whispered.

"Bet you a fiver I'll win." I replied.

We heard something from inside the room.

"We need to find them!"

"It's going to be hard."

"If we're each related to one of them then-

"We can only guess that's true."

"I know, I know. But if we're the protectors it must be the case.. There are 10 of us and 12 of then It makes sense!"

"You know what happened to my sister."

We moved our ears away from the door. She's probably a part of Ophiuchus to. But it's too early to say.

"Let's go before we get caught." James whispered

"Too late!" I could recognise that voice anywhere. The mockingly cheery and the annoyingly soft tone is something I could only pray to forget.

"Jamie!" She yelled

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