The truth Part 6~

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Btw here is the seating plan:

Ariana Bella Blake

Candace James Blaire

Eric Malachi Elana

Brock Jessie Kai

Ariana's pov

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN!?" Kai gasped, the colour drained from his face due to the shock.

I haven't seen him lose his cool like that but I can't blame him.

"That makes no sense.." Eric muttered

He was right.

It really doesn't.

"You have no right to make us help you!" I yelled

"Everyone calm down!" Ms Venus tried ease the situation.

"We need all the help we can get defeating the Ophiuchus gang!" She said calmly.

"What aren't they just a bunch of thieves." James asked.

Yeah, a bunch of thieves that stole the Mona freaking Lisa.

"They're dangerous." Ms. Venus told us.

"How so?" Jessie asked looking anxious.

"They're worshippers.."

"Of what?" Blake questioned.

Ms. Venus simply ignored the nasty looks she was recieving. "Ophiuchus. We need to stop them."

"What do you mean WE need to stop them. If you were being honest with us, then it could be any one of the millions of people here." Candace pointed out writing some notes.

"What if we're not one of the 12?" Malachi asked, "You would've put our lives on hold for no reason"

Or saved it.

Candace's pov

I whispered to James, " I guess they're so dangerous we need to be careful." 

He nodded.

"Do you two have something to share to the class?"Ms. Venus asked



"What the hell was that." Brock jumped.

"Damn it, sorry." Malachi apologised as he put his phone in his pocket and took something out of his ears. He was blushing furiously from the embarrassment, we all smiled at the sight, he was as red as Ari's hair.

"Have you been listening?" Ms. Venus asked her.

"Not really your voice is kinda boring." Malachi replied bluntly as he usually does.

"Can someone please explain to Mr."Ms. Venus paused and looked at Malachi, waiting for him to say his last name so she may continue.

"Sasori?" He said almost like he was asking if it was correct.

"Can someone please explain to Mr Sasori what we were discussing." Venus continued.

"Your bullshit." I blurted out the Ms. Venus sent a piercing glare my way, or at least I think she did. It's not like I could see her eyes through the black lens  glasses she wore

"We were discussing the-"

"Sorry I'm late!" Blaire ran into the class bumping into Ms. Venus slightly which made me smirk.

"Sorry." She apologised and ran to her seat next to James.

"Why were you late?" Venus questioned.

There was a long pause as we all watched Blaire try and think of a valid excuse but she just shrugs  and smiles, she probably overslept but she didn't seem like the type. 

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