[14] The Victor

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After recovering from all the tears and sorrow, Katniss and I start to move on. There can only be one winner, right? One of us has to go home, and right now, it's between Katniss, Thresh and I. I don't want to have to be the one killing Katniss. I don't even want to kill Thresh. After seeing Rue and Cato die, I can't handle it anymore. But I have to. 'Stop being a baby,' I tell myself. 

"Let's look for Thresh. Come on," Katniss says.

Right. Grabbing my sharp, silver knives, I follow Katniss. I'm not even sure where we're going.

"Katniss, where are we going? Where could Thresh be? At the Cornucopia?" I ask.

"Possibly," she answers. "Lets head there." 

We talk like there's no life in us. Like we're lifeless. It was just ever since Cato, Peeta and Rue died. I don't even know why we're acting this way. Whatever the reason is, there's nothing we can do about it.  We reach the Cornucopia, but wait until we see any form of movement. Daylight suddenly turns into darkness and the temperature suddenly changes from warm to freezing cold.

"What's going on?" I ask Katniss, curious. 

"The gamemakers. They must be in a hurry to end this," she says, looking around frantically. All of a sudden, we hear a scream. Thresh. The gamemakers must've put something deadly in the arena. They must've put muttations. Waiting, I try to listen for the canon, but no sound comes. Thresh isn't dead, and he must be heading towards the Cornucopia.

"Katniss, let's go!" I shout to her, running towards the silver Cornucopia. I wait for Katniss, and as soon as she comes, I give her a lift and she gets up to the roof of the Cornucopia, pulling me up with all her might. We're both up on the roof, waiting for anything to happen, any mutts to show up or Thresh to come.

"Where do you think— Before I can even finish my sentence, a very furious and determined Thresh joins us on the roof of the Cornucopia. I see the mutts running towards us, and without thinking, I immediately grab my knives and aim them one by one at the lizard mutts. They're a disgusting shade of olive green with spikes on their backs and sickening scales all over their bodies. I throw my knives at them, but I only kill one.

"Katniss! Get Thresh! I'll get the mutts!" I shout. Wait. Why did I say that? Oh no. No.  "Arrghh!" Thresh groans as he throws Katniss over his shoulders. Katniss lands face down on the roof, and the mutts go running towards Katniss. I run towards her, I try to save her, but it's too late. That's it. She's gone. She's dead.  "Win for me," a faint shout comes from her as she is being eaten by the sickening mutts. 

I have to win for her. I have to win for my ally that stayed with me instead of killing me in my sleep. I have to kill Thresh, the one that killed Katniss. I'm going to win for her. Thresh comes running towards me, axe in hand, ready to kill me. My last resort is to use my last knife, and I do. I throw the knife as Thresh runs towards me, aiming at my chest with the axe. And an axe pierces through my chest. At the same time, I hear the boom of the canon. 

I'm alive. 


If you liked this chapter, please vote! Thank you :) omg omg ahhhh cliffhanger. well yeah this chapter was actually quite bad and i'm sorry about that. I'm more or less done with the story. i'm going to choose whether to leave it at there or continue about what happens next. interesting? by the way, some of you didn't like my story. it's okay, but i changed my summary for those of you who didn't like it, so please read it :) thank you for reading! :) 2k reads i'm dying here you know. anyway thank you <3

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