[2] The Reaping

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*Note: The names I used, they're not my invention, I got it from a stupid website which generates what your Capitol name would be, and chose a random one. Hope you like the chapter :)

The sun beams brightly over the square. We are all walking to the square. The sun is practically frying us all, and I imagine how much worse it must be in the arena...but I can handle it. I must. In order to win the games. We line up to get our fingers stamped on this thing. I have no idea what it is, but you are forced to do it. It takes your bloody fingerprints, that's all I see, and know. I don't know how many times my name has been added into the reaping bowl, all I know is that the older you are, the more times your name gets put in, but I don't care, and it doesn't matter. I'm going  to volunteer as tribute, I'm to win and bring pride to my district, and that's all I care about.

I find the bunch of kids I'm meant to stand with, fifteen year olds. I wonder who's going to get reaped... The girl who I'm volunteering for, she's going to love me, of course.  They play the video from the Capitol, that they play every year. It reminds us why there is the pageant called The Hunger Games. Rebellion against the Capitol, that's why. It's practically drilled into each and every one of our heads. We are forced to watch it, and remember, each year.

The video is over now. I stand there, looking up at the tall stage, and up comes Eustacia Redpath. Eustacia is District 2's escort. She's bubbly, but strict. She isn't very tall, but she's wearing heels which are extremely high. I don't even know how she can afford all these things. Right, I remember. She's from the Capitol. Everyone there is...crazy. And rich. She's wearing a frilly, puffy, short green dress, and a big green hat. She's green themed. It's just unbelievable how people in the Capitol dress very... Grotesquely. I've seen them. It's terrifying.

"Happy Hunger Games! And, May the Odds be ever in your favour. As usual, ladies first!" I stand there, watching her hands hovering over the shiny reaping bowl, in curiousity.  "Laurel Baxwoll!" There is a ten second pause. I see a girl who is probably Laurel come out from the crowd, looking terrified as ever. She has definitely not trained before, and now I know, this is my time to volunteer.

I step out of the crowd, everyone stares, in shock, and looks at me. "I volunteer! I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!", I say loud, and confidently. I see everyone staring at me from the corner of my eye. Why are they so shocked? District 2 has had loads of volunteers before, that's what it's known for. I am lost, but I make eye contact with Laurel. Her eyes are filled with sorrow, but I ignore that and just go forward and step up the stage. 

"Congratulations! District 2's very first volunteer this year! No surprise. And what's your name, dear?", asks Eustacia in her odd Capitol accent. "Clove. Clove Sevina.", I say, with a smirk on my face. "Very well! And now, for the boys.", says Eustacia, as I see the Peacekeepers taking Laurel away. 

"Cato Cronin! Come on up, come on up!" I watch the place where the boys are standing, and up comes an arrogant looking Cato, with a tonne of muscles. He seems like he's been training since he was born, too. I might have real competition. Now, just to hope that there's another bigger, and more deadly tribute in the arena to kill him off. 

"I present to you, District 2's tributes!", booms Eustacia over the microphone. I search for my mother in the crowd, and I see the reassuring smile on her face. She knows I'm going to win. And I know I am, too. I hope.


 If you liked this chapter, please vote! Thank you :) Chapter 2! :D Did you guys like it? Hope you diddd :) I cut the reaping short, but oh well....... Can't wait to write chapter 3 :D Cato and cloveeeee <3 :) Thanks for reading! :)

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