Chapter 2

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"So, I expect that you want to be in Slytherin." Draco asks Harry.
"Yeah," Harry answers,"Isn't it the best house?" Draco stops in his tracks.
"Ofcourse it's the best house," he says, "Anyway, here's  our compartment."
Inside were five other people,four boys and one girl.
"So Draco," aks the girl," Are the rumours true, is Harry Potterreally on this train!"
"He is," answers Draco,"Harry, meet Pansy,Blaze,Marcus,Adrian & Montague. Everyone, meet Harry Potter."
"Hi, nice to meet you." Harry says.
"Come Harry, you can sit next to me."Pansy said, shuffling over.
Harry sat down nervously.
"So Harry, I heard you went to live with muggles, how were they?"
"Awful," Harry answered " They made me where old clothes, sometimes starved me and never told me I was a wizard!"
"They should go to jail." Pansy gasped. The rest nodded in agreement .
"Are all of you first years?" Harry asked.
"Nope," said Marcus, "Me, Adrian and Montague have been to Hogwarts before, Draco and the rest of them are first years."
"Enough chitchat," Draco interrupted, "Were here."

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