Get off me

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I just kept running, keeping Jackson in my sight. I hear what sounds like a million footsteps behind me, people running behind me in a large coward. Somehow in my mind it felt like they were rooting for me, hoping I could stop him. Like how the bright star slightly light up stars that are too dim to shine on their own.

Suddenly I begin to sprint even faster, the back of Jackson's head becomes closer and closer. Suddenly I grab onto his arm and pull him to the ground with me. He begins to angrily squirm and grunt; trying to escape my grasp. He waves his arms every which way until I begin to feel hot water begin to run down my arm. I look over to my left arm, a large gash covering almost half of my forearm.

As I notice that my heart begins to feel like it's gonna explode. Quickly I flip him over and pin him down, his face now facing me. My arm begins to sting and I wince in pain, closing my eyes tightly. Immediately I felt the presence of 20-30 people standing around us. I hear a few girls screaming and others crying into their phones. I open my eyes again and look directly into his eyes. He had completely stopped moving, his face one of pure guilt. Like he knew I was horrified. Knowing every thought in my head of confusion and disappointment. "Get off of me" he roared, his voice clear and crisp. I didn't reply, just sat there staring into his eyes. The green like fresh picked olives from the farmers market.

As I stared, his eyes began to fill with tears, yet his face becoming extremely angry. "GET- he begins to yell. I just wanted him to stop, he could get so loud. Everything around me felt extremely loud. That party was so loud. His breathing was too loud. Quickly place my lips against his. I wasn't sure if I just really wanted him to be quiet or if it was nothing but the not so straight desire in my veins. Closing my eyes, I hear people begin to gasp and scream in surprise. "Jackson your gay?" A few people ask in utter shock. Others begin to chant derogatory names. I open my eyes. My head is beginning to spin out of control. "Get off, now." Jackson demands in a whisper. Trying to push me off with his knee. I instinctively rolled off of him and let him stand up, afraid of what would happen if I didn't. "Stay away from me fag." he states, pushing me down with his foot. I fell down and lay down onto the concrete.

He simply dusts off his pants and walks away. Leaving me on the ground, bleeding, but most importantly numb. Realizing now I had absolutely nothing. No one even stayed, everyone just walked away when he did. I guess when you're the brightest star in the galaxy no one can even seem the darkest; and when you're the brightest star, the dim star is the least of your problems. Feeling utter humiliation I consider rolling directly into the oncoming traffic. But I can't get the courage to. I just continued to lay on the cold concrete. Cold stinging against my open wounds, every millia sec nothing but excruciating pain.
Yet I still do nothing.
I hear someone running up, screaming into the phone saying they need an ambulance.
But I still just lay here.
Pluto begins to shake me, keeping me awake; and even when the EMT's hoisted me into the back of that ambulance.
All I ever did was lay there.


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