A cure for sadness

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Is there a cure

For my sadness?

They say: sure

Go exercise

Go eat healthy and

Sleep plenty,

Imagining that your mind

Is like a bucket

With littles holes

On the bottom

And the water

(Your happiness, you see)

Keeps pouring right

Through them,

But the little things

That make us "us",

The bland holy trinity:

Eating, sleeping,


(As if you are a pervert

In a farm

Getting pleasures off pigs)

These things you are

Supposed to do repeatedly

Over and over and over

So that they, just like rain,

Could refill your broken


That some might call


Please, spare me the labour

For I might

Not want to be cured

Poems of a depressed manDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora