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My eyes opened to see nothing but trees, whipping past the car as we drove. The sun was slowly setting. The deep green made me feel calm. Nature was always calming. My eyes drifted to my friend Ray, the one driving. Mikey was sat in the passenger seat. I felt like I'd been asleep for hours.

"Hey, Gee." Mikey turned to me when he noticed I'd woken up. "We're not too far away now. Maybe fifteen minutes from the cabin." 

I shrugged in response.

"Yea man, I cant wait!" Ray chirped up. "Can't believe schools over for us, well not you mikes but you get it."

We'd planned a trip to my parents cabin months ago. A small, quiet place, perfect for the majority of summer. We'd also planned to camp out for a few nights. There was a stunning lake close by that we'd planned on staying near. It would be nothing but bonfires and hikes for us. 

My eyes once again wandered towards the trees. The recent rain fall made the leaves shine and glisten. It was rather scenic. Through the trees I spotted something. A small meadow. It went as soon as it came, the car speeding up slightly as we went down a straighter road. 

Not too long after, we reached the cabin. It was dusty and old but it brought back fond memories from childhood. The old wood floor creaked as we stepped in for the first time in years. I put my bags down and wandered through the house. I came across the room I used to stay in, the bedding and blankets still perfectly made, the same tattered rug still lay in its place. 

Nothing had changed.

Mikey took his old room while Ray stayed in the main bedroom. He insisted he'd sleep on the couch but we were having non of it. After we had settled in, the sun had set and the stars were out. I went outside to light the first of many bonfires we'd have. The cool air calmed me. The scent of the smoke as it rose filled me with ease. I sat with a mug of coffee and just chilled out. It's what I needed.

Mikey and Ray brought food out after a long argument of if they should have pizza or hotdogs. As I bit into my hotdog I pondered off into the forest. The darkness drags me in. The cool night breeze sent shivers up my spine as I dread to think of what beasts could be in there. Sure there's mountain lions and bears but what about the other kind. The hidden ones. The myths and legends. 

My thoughts were cut off by Ray saying he was going to sleep, the drive must have tired him out. Mikey headed in shortly after, leaving me and my thoughts again. My own eyes soon began to feel heavy, drifting off. I was comfy enough in the camping chair I had found in the storage closet. Slowly but surely, I fell asleep.

The water was cold, frigid even. The lake was always the same temperature all year round. With water like ice I recoiled. Fear ran through me. Water. The moon shone against it as the wind made small ripples. Suddenly a stronger gust knocked me off my feet. My lower half was soaked, I was a few inches deeper than before. I sat up, looking forward. A figure loomed in the water, staring from afar. It's piercing blue eyes felt like they were staring straight through me. It's head dunked underwater. My breath picked up as I saw the water be disturbed from under the surface. I tried to back away but the water seemed to never end. My efforts were useless, I was trapped. My breath stopped as I felt a hand around my leg. Colder than the water, scaled and rough. The figure pulled down on me, but instead of dragging me down, it pulled itself up, as if to get a better look at me. The darkness hid his features. His frame was illuminated by the pale moonlight. His hair fell past his shoulders, hiding his face. Arms and torso were muscular yet soft. I tried to look down at his legs but there were non to be seen. In their place was a magnificent silver tail, glistening and glowing in the light. His webbed hand cupped my face. As he looked up to face me, I caught another glimpse of those eyes. Those goddamn eyes. They shon brighter than the moon. Those gorgeous eyes. They traced my own frame. He brought his lips to my ear.

 "Wake up, sunshine."

I shot up in my bed, still in the same clothes as last night. God, I need a coffee, I whispered to myself.

I wasn't usually this tired.

As I wondered how the fuck I got here, Ray told me that there were pancakes ready. I sluggishly got up and look at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess and felt dirty, normal,  my eyes were baggy, not so normal, my clothes were slightly damp, huh?, but the strangest thing about my appearance was the handprint on my leg. 



Hello!! This story is for a good friend of mine. Hope everyone enjoys it 🫶

Word count: 876

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