A Familiar Species

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Another very short chapter. ('∇`) Just wanted to post, was supposed to be a lot longer but brain empty. Sowwy. ('ー') Next will be plot-plot and humans! (─‿‿─)

Also Frama will finally appear. Mostly like, anyway.


I fiercely flapped my wings to attempt to get out of a bush I had landed into.

No, I will not elaborate.

More calls of songbirds. A conjugation of a flock. So much was passed back and forth that I stopped bothering to listen.

When I finally untangled myself from a densely packed bush, it was a race against time to right myself to lean on my plump body instead of my delicate head and neck.


Today I had decided to try and fly my way out of the woods. I doubt this stretches on forever. Unless on top of being reincarnated as a bird, I also was dumped into a world of only forest and perhaps oceans? Surely the whole surface can't be like this? Where would all the water needed to support this sort of biome be?

Unless it would be underground? Wait no, that's not how things work.

Well even if it took me years I would eventually make my way out of this place if I stuck to one direction.

So far, not good.

I don't have a metric to which I can gauge my progress since well...you know. That with me being unusually clumsy for a bird has landed me here. At least for now. I am bush free.

It's the little mercies, truly.


It's day three and the novelty of this endeavor is starting to wane if I'm completely being honest here.

At first it felt like a noble and productive cause, but by now I was starting to grow bored of it.

Alas, all I could do was bitch to myself about it. To abandon it so early on would be foolish. I must keep tracking forward. I...didn't have any other plans.

Tree after tree after tree I went. Nothing of note took place until a couple of days later.

I lost count by this point but guessed I was in the one week later ballpark.

As I was drinking water from a stream, I heard the most glorious sound!

A dog's bark!

'course there was always the chance it was a likened canidae. I was no animal expert after all and some of them do sound kind of similar even if a bit off.

But no, that was clearly a dog.

I perked up, part as a fear response, part as pure interest.

A dogo!!!

I took to the air before realizing that the forest distorted the dog's noise and I couldn't quite tell where it was coming from.

Shit. I wanted to see a dog...

I heard the noise again and took a blind guess in which direction it was from. Glancing around I heard the noise once more and spotted birds fleeting from one certain direction and decided it must be coming from there.

I was excited at the prospect of this dog belonging to someone, perhaps a human. Or some other sentient life form. I somehow have become a bird; I'm not gonna put it past me that there might be...otherworldly things there. If I'm not still on my earth that is.

The other, more typical side of the card is a wild dog. But still a dog nonetheless. I wanted to see them, even if just from afar.

I will never pet one again, so if I can just observe...


The thought of drifting off to find the dog would throw me off course for my struggle out of the woods came much too late. By then a smudge of golden and brown fur entered my slight.

The dog; I have found it.


A dog barking led me to discover something grant.

Besides a cute adorable puppy!

Ahem, sorry. The dogo was wearing a collar! A metal one at that (which was alarming to me, who does that to their pet?!). But this sure did prove it. Humans—or at the very least a sentient being; was around and about.

I'm much more interested in this prospect than the dog now.

Between its teeth was a bird wing, a mess of blues and grays and blacks. A smattering of red glossed over told me this wasn't just its find of the day but rather a hunt.

In my not expert option, the canidae was far too small to be a hunting dog, so perhaps this was done out of boredom. Nonetheless I inwardly shiver at the slight.

With the revaluation that man-made goods exist, my previous plan goes right out the metaphorical window. No need for that tried and arduous journey. I can simply just follow this hound back to its owner!

Civilization would be nice. (The thought that perhaps the owner lived in seclusion also crossed my mind. But even that was better than nothing. Surely the owner must go to a more populated area to trade, buy, or sell goods eventually, right? I would just shake out the place until the owner left for such and follow suit.)

Lead me to civilization, doggy!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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