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​​Rosabel's boots echo in the dark hall that leads to the main room where all the ring holders are gathered. She knows exactly why they've all gathered today in this dark fortress that she hates. The halls leading to the main room are always cold and somehow water puddles around the entrances and exits between the confusing corridors. This fortress was supposed to let nothing in. Not even the elements that surround the obsidian monstrosity that was forged out of irrupting volcanoes, hundreds of years of ocean forming, and most importantly, magic.

The dove that always appears at the right time coos and lands on her shoulder. It's her translator, guide, and, a companion that has been assigned to her. Everyone has a dove, sometimes it's a crow but since the wearer of the gold ring is in charge of most things, he got to pick the bird to guide them; doves, just like any other gold ring-wearer that picks the same bird. Mostly to keep traditions but also to represent peace.

As soon as Rosabel enters the room, she sees everyone is already seated at the round marble table. The gold ring wearer is waiting at the very end of the table, everyone else surrounding him. The room has more light than she remembers, this time instead of candles lighting up the dark room made of obsidian walls, there's a massive chandelier that lights up every corner. The gothic architecture is more astonishing with the details now being visible. She takes some time to marvel at the beauty and then sits down at her assigned chair. It's cold and it makes Rosabel shiver. As she exhales, she could see her breath in a small cloud.

"You look younger than ever Rosabel." The silver ring-wearer teases her. The gold ring-wearer clears his throat.

"You can all imagine why I've called every single one of you here. We need to discuss the idea of giving our rings to the next generation of dedicated young men and women. I hope you all have an idea of who will earn the privilege of our powers to help fight against evil and unite for the common good."

"Yeah especially, Rosabel." she hears someone mutter under their breath.

"Please no comments. But it is especially true for you, Rosabel given that you've had over a century to pick your successor. "

"I understand, but you must consider my situation! I haven't been able to-"

"My predecessor had considered it, and his predecessor as well! How long will you keep this up, Rosabel? Please everyone else, consider who you'll entrust your ring to. If you have someone in mind please present your case."

In total seven rings grant different powers. There's the ring made of wood, which makes the person wearing it the best hunter with speed and strength no other human possesses. The silver ring can connect with spirits and all things paranormal. A ring made of bones from animals gives the wearer the ability to communicate with them and control animals. The ring is made of jade, giving magical healing abilities to the wearer and being able to heal others. The two most powerful rings are made of gold and the other of obsidian. The gold ring is especially powerful giving the wearer the ability to manipulate possibilities and outcomes and if used in the right way, it can change reality itself. The obsidian ring grants the holder the power of destruction that is permanent unless the holder of the gold ring re-writes what happened and only then can the damage be undone. Only the gold ring balances out the obsidian ring. Rosabel is left with the hematite ring, granting her barrier magic that she controls how strong her shields are, helping her protect others. It seems like everyone was picked out especially to use their unique powers. Rosabel remembers everyone's predecessors, and the ones before that, but barely remembers her own. All so kind and yet it feels like she's failed them. Most have already picked out who their successor will be.

The holder of the jade ring will have his son inherit the ring. The holder of the silver ring will have one of his three protégé compete over the ring, the best wins. The holder of the bone ring will have the animals pick the kindest person that has treated them right to inherit the ring. The holder of the obsidian ring has someone in mind but is keeping that information confidential right now.

Rosabel has not thought about who will inherit the hematite ring. It hasn't been a thought in her mind after being diagnosed with cancer. The ring's magic has helped her stay healthy and young at the expense of not using the ring for its actual purpose; protecting innocent lives with the barrier magic. She looks around and sees that only two more people have yet to pick their successor, and herself. The four present their cases, no one has any objective, not that it would matter either way. All at the table emphasize how important it is for Rosabel to pick someone else to inherit the ring.

"I understand, and I promise that I'll find my successor as soon as possible!" Rosabel rises from her seat and puts her hand over her chest.

Everyone else nods and hopes that she does.

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