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Present Day-2014

Tick, tok, tick, tok.

Valerie looks at the clock that's on top of the chalkboard in her classroom. Once the clock reads 2:40 the class ends. Only 23 seconds left and everyone in the class already has their books in their book-bags, waiting at the edge of their seats for the bell to ring. The teacher is still talking and everyone expects him to keep talking even after the bell rings. 10 seconds left on the clock and the teacher is still talking but this time he walks over to stand in front of the door. The bell rings and as if everyone practiced beforehand, all chairs screech at the same time as all the students tried to get away from their desks.

Unfortunately, Mr. Reiner had a different idea and yells, "the bell doesn't dismiss you!"

The class groans in unison as you hear more chairs screech when the students sit back down. Mr. Reiner talks more about the economic boom in the 1920s as he paces back and forth in the room. At this point, some kids are on their phones, while others like Valerie, daydream. She wonders what would happen in a villain attacked the school. She looks out the window with her hand supporting her head as she imagines the ground shaking after an explosion. Perhaps an emergency near the school would let the kids in her class be let out in time. It isn't a strange idea for any teenager to imagine what evil deeds are being done and what their life would be like if they were a superhero. Valerie is fond of superheroes, but not as much as her younger brother, Victor. If she really thinks about it, being a hero is a lousy job. No one pays you and you get injured, family members affected, you have to lie and Valerie can think of many things that a hero has to suffer through. But it doesn't matter because after all, this is Justice City, a place where villains and heroes are prevalent and anyone can become either.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door and Mr. Reiner opens it. "I got the charger you wanted to borrow."

"Buenas tardes Señorita De Oleo!" The whole class becomes vivid again as kids look away from their phones and daydreams stop to greet every 9th grader's favorite teacher.

"Mr. Reiner, hasn't dismissal time already passed?" Ms. De Oleo says while she hands Mr. Reiner the computer charger.

He clears his throat and looks at his class. The students nod as they look at Ms. De Oleo for support.

"I suppose you're right. Okay, don't forget to read chapter 12 on 'America's Economy' and answer the last eight questions!"

All the kids clutter at the door and the kids bunch up at the doorway since only one kid can exit at the time, there's some pushing and shoving. Ms. De Oleo was still standing near the doorway as she was being slightly squished but at least the students wave her goodbye as they all say, "adios!"

"Enjoy your weekend everyone! It's a wonderful day, bien soleado!"

The last class to exit the school building runs through the halls to be the first one to exit their impending doom and start enjoying the warmer weather after winter had just ended. There's laughter among friends, students chasing each other and having fun.

Victor was standing outside the fence of the schoolyard waiting for his sister. Valerie spots him and walks over to Victor.

"You took too long I was about to leave." Victor walks along with his sister to the bus stop along with the rest of the students that just left.

"Our teacher kept us after school again, he's so annoying." Valerie scrunches up her nose.

The bus comes quickly and they get inside to try and find seats. Victor sits at the window seat and Valerie sits near the bus aisle. Victor wonders what his mom made for dinner, or if she was even home right now. Then his mind slowly slips away into thinking about superheroes. It is one of his greatest wishes to have superpowers. They don't have to be grand or flashy. Anything to make his life a little easier or be able to do cool tricks would satisfy him. He can only wish, but he knows it will never come true, even when it seemed only a couple of years ago that heroes only belonged in comic books; and not in the real world.

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