it's alright to get sick

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It was another causal night was, nothing special miyano just sat in his room alone. It was already around 7 pm probably.
That didn't matter anyways, miyano had already bought a new BL manga earlier, and he was planning to read it all day, but Atlas he somehow ended up being to busy to do so.

So here he is now, sitting on his bed quietly with the brand new BL in his hands ready to be opened and to be read.
Hours went by, it was probably already around 6:35 am when he had finished reading the new BL manga he had bought today.
he was planning on only reading a FEW pages... But as luck would have it no matter what page he was on it.. He just couldn't just end it off on a certain part,

so here he is now. Very, VERY sleep deprived, if the BL manga wasn't so good he'd probably regret ever buying it and staying up all night to read it.. But it was really good so he doesn't regret it as much.. If only he didn't choose to read his new BL manga on a school night-oh man school was gonna be hell for him in the morning, all he could do was let out a sign as he closed his eyes,

trying to get any sleep that he could now before he had to leave for school today. He promised himself he wouldn't stay up all night reading BL manga again.. Atlas it didn't go through oh well, finally relaxing into the covers as he slowly drifted off to bed. He could worry about all that later,

a few hours past by slowly, miyano's ears peaked up as he heard a small ding from his phone. He tried to get up and grab his phone, but his whole body felt so weak it was also pain to more. And he felt horrible, " this is just wonderful... " he says to himself while signing. Suddenly miyano's eyes as he finally manages to grab his phone to check what the source of the sound came from, he noticed two things at that moment-one that sasaki had texted him asking if he was okay, and two, the fact that it was 5:45 in the afternoon. He was VERY much later to school, there was no way he could go today.. Not after being THIS late, he would get in so much trouble. He'd have to call up the school and tell them that he was sick today.. How wonderful, miyano only let out another slow, as he flipped over on his bed pulling the blanket over his body, making sure to pull it up near his face.
As he closed his eyes as he tries to relax and go back to sleep.

Oh well, if he was gonna skip a whole day of school for being sick he supposed it wouldn't hurt to just sleep through his sickness.
it took around 30 minutes before miyano could actually mange to drift off to sleep, not fully but enough for him to finally relax, a few more minutes went by before he finally drifted off to sleep fully.

The next thing miyano saw, or rather felt was a warm hand over his forehead, before it continues to caresses the side of his face gently, it felt very claiming to miyano, he could feel himself melt in the touch. It was such a warm but It also felt sorta cold on his face slightly it felt nice nonetheless, he could feel himself relaxing even more into the touch suddenly, he felt a hand ruffles his hair as fingers start to go through it. Around a few minutes later he felt the hand being pulled away, he slightly winced at the feeling of the hand leaving his hair, it just felt so nice...

But that feeling didn't last long, because warm lips were instead gently placed on his forehead, his eyes immediately shot open as he stared at sasaki. " s-sasaki-senpai!? " miyano gasps slightly surprised to see him partner suddenly in his room, nonetheless he was quite glad. He wouldn't gotten up to hug him but.. He felt terrible he wanted to, badly but sadly he wasn't in the state to hug his beloved boyfriend.

" ah sorry mya-chan... You weren't answering my messages.. So I came over, I was really worried.. "
Sasaki says, running his hand thought miyano's hair again.
As he leaned into to kiss him on his cheek, which made the other boy blush immediately in response,

" ah you're so cute mya-chan "
He says looking into miyano's eyes lovingly, as he pulled away sitting down on the end of the miyano's bed.

" don't worry about anything I'll take care of you from now on okay? I'll take care of everything. Just rest " sasaki says placing another kiss on his lover's forehead as he ruffled his hair one more time before exiting the room to go get some medicine for the younger male along with some other things.

In response miyano only pulled the covers up over his face continued to turn a lovely shade a red, he was sure he wasn't Turing red from his sickness....
The tips of his ears turned red at the thought of sasaki taking care of him.

Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to stay up reading BL manga.. After all he got to see sasaki, and he's even staying here to take care of him now.
He blushed more at the thought of sasaki acting like this, it made it seem like they were kinda of like a married couple, miyano only pulled the covers up more as he waited for sasaki to return.

Maybe it wasn't a bad idea after all.

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