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We open to a shot of the gym where a girl with eyeliner and dark blond hair and hazel eyes

We open to a shot of the gym where a girl with eyeliner and dark blond hair and hazel eyes

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She then runs. Going of a spring board and doing multiple flips. Then gets praise from the team

Girl: If you keep vaulting like that, we might actually win gold this year.

She takes a towel and wipes herself

Barbi: Well, it wasn't me who fell on the uneven bars.

The girl next to her slouching knowing it was her. The coach then walks up to her clearly impressed 

Coach: Nice work, Barbi. Maybe your cleanest vault yet.

Barbi: Good. Then, if it's settled, and I'm captain again, let's get one thing clear...

Coach: Hang on. I think there's one more girl. Diana Prince.

Barbi: Ugh, the new girl.

Diana was kneeling getting a prayer

Diana: Lift me, Boreas. Let your wintery breath keep me aloft.

Coach: Prince!

She looks up seeing everyone looking at her weirdly. She stands getting one last exhale before running at full speed before doing multiple backfills. Spring board with her hands, over the crowd with hedgehog position and landing feet first finished with a pose leaving everyone shocked. Then everyone rushed at her congratulating her except Barbi who has an angered look

Coach: Maybe we should have co-captains this year.

Barbi: What? Absolutely not!

Coach: Okay. Congratulations, Prince! You're the new team captain.

Barbi gasps in shock. She watches as Diana gets the praise and growls in anger.

We then cut to after gym wheres she's looking in a handheld mirror checking herself. Before a paper comes in saying a hindered percent A+

Teacher: nice job, Barbi

She holds clearly basking in

Teacher: Not too often you see a hundred percent in AP Calculus, is what I'd be saying if it weren't for Diana over here. 

We then pan to Diana who was next to Barbi. The teacher then holds up another paper this one having a hundred and two precent, A with five pluses smiley face

Teacher: A hundred and two percent. Incredible! That's a new school record.

Everyone applause for her. But for Barbi she breaks her mirror in her hand.

Teacher: now hold on we gotta another golden egg here. Y/n l/n

She then gives you the test this one a hundred and three

Teacher: who did it in Latin, impressive Mr. L/n

You: thank you

Barbi blushed but faces away with a huff

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