FILE 03. daily schedule: a bomb

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[ .. file opened .. ]



"Wake up, Azi!" yelled a voice next to Azi's ear. Azi's eyes snapped open, she yelped,"What? What? Oh..." She faltered as she noticed Aline crouching next to her. Aline's eyes softened once she saw Azi was awake. She said,"Sorry about that, but it's already 7:50 A.M. . We have to be at the Meeting Room by 8:00 A.M.!"

Azi jumped out of bed immediately. "Holy crap, thanks for waking me up, Aline!" Aline smiled and walked out of the room,"No problem, just try and be quick..." 

Azi nodded. Luckily, she didn't need to change her clothes(she'd slept in her clothes yesterday because she was too tired). She quickly ran out of the room to Showers and had a quick, three-minute shower, then brushed her teeth and washed her face. She stared at her reflection, yep, her hair was like a rat's nest. Hastily tying it up into two ponytails, which wasn't her usual look but close enough, and dashed to the Meeting Room. 

The floating platform was painfully slow. Azi scrambled up the ladder once she got to the other side of Gap Room, and barely made it there in time. Everyone else was seated around the big table, with plates of bread and scrambled eggs in front of them. Surprisingly, Katie and John weren't there.

"Where's John and Katie? Aren't they here for breakfast?" Azi panted as she settled into her seat next to Evelyn. "Apparently, John already finished, and Katie's eating in the kitchen," Zakar informed. "Why?" Azi asked,"Why not eat here?" "I don't know, something about the rules about her being the chef, I think," said Estella, shrugging.

"That's unfair, though," Azi said, eating her food. "Yeah, she should eat here, along with the rest of us. She's amazing, I mean! There's no reason..." Logan insisted, agreeing with Azi. There were mumbles of agreement among the crewmates. Evelyn shifted uneasily in her seat and mumbled,"Yeah, Katie should at least have a seat here..." The air was getting a little heated. 

"Hey, it's a small thing. We can invite her to sit here next time..." Suniyah said, their blue eyes blinking, a small smile on her face. Koen spoke up, suddenly,"Let's just eat, alright? Please, I want some peace and quiet." With that being said, he plugged his earphones into his ears and continued eating. Willie put a hand on his arm tentatively.

The breakfast continued in silence. After everything was full, about 8:45 A.M., John's voice came on the intercoms. "This is your captain speaking, uh, today will be your first day doing tasks. I hope you're all ready. So, um, you should apparently.. receive a tablet, that will help..."

John stuttered for a while, before a distinct 'Ah, screw this script!' was heard. John then continued,"Anyway, the tablet will help you keep track of your tasks, I think, and there's also a map there... if you get lost, or anything. There's... wait, hold on- oh yes, a report function if anything goes wrong, like, if you're..." There was some shifting heard, then John finished,"In trouble. Alright, that's it."

"Tablets?" Azi heard someone ask,"Where?" "There, I think!" Aline pointed to the side room of the Meeting room, where a cart full of Ipads had been placed. Everyone crowded around and Azi managed to get her tablet, which was colored a bright orange and had her name in the corner. 

The dark screen lit up, revealing a list of tasks:

-Download Data (Records) 1/2

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