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"Vox! This way!" I whisper-yelled, calling out for the brother in hoods. He hurries over to my side. "Ugh, I hate humans." We both walk away from the crowd behind us and follow the road leading to where we live now.

Our home is gone. Humans. They killed them all. My brother and I are the only survivors, holding onto one last strand of the rope desperate for survival.

We decide to cook food for ourselves. Vox making jokes and laughing, I know he's in misery, but I can't do anything, I don't know what to say. So I laugh along.

It wasn't long until we heard the door slam down. I turn my head in shock. Humans. Just what exactly do they want from us...

Vox immediately grab me and run to the back of the room. Two humans. One with blonde hair and another with purple and blonde streaks. They get closer.

Vox throws the kitchen knife he was holding, "Stay away from us!". But the blonde tilts his head, dodging it. Smirking. Vox bolts at the guy. "Wait! Vox no!" I scream out. It was too late. Vox was charging at him with his claws out, baring his teeth. But in an instant... he was in a chokehold and held at gun point by the blonde. What happened? No he was going at him. Why is he like that now...


I sit there in shock, unable to move as I watched my brother's body fall to the ground. I run towards him, screaming for him, but from behind I get pinned down. The purple streaks guys, how did he get behind me...

"This is fate."

The blonde makes me look at him by lifting my chin. "We meet again... Oh how much I wanted you."



I heard someone yell out around the corner. I look at the teacher I was supposed to follow with other children and turn back to where the noise came from. Fighting my responsibility I run around the corner and see a two boys fighting, or more like one beating the other up.

I couldn't stand watching. I felt adrenaline rush through me and before I knew it, I punched a grayish haired boy.

He glared at me, "The fu-"

He immediately stopped himself when he saw my horns, running away. I stood there confused, of his actions and my actions, but I shook my head and turned to the boy sitting down against the wall next to me all beat up.

"Are you okay?" I crouched to his level, looking at him in the eyes. He met eyes with me, "H-Huh? Uh, yeah, thanks.." I stand back up and reach my hand out to the blonde boy. He looks at it for some times until he decided to take it.

"I'm Y/f/n!" I smile at him.

"I'm Luca.. Luca Kaneshiro. Thanks for uhh saving me." He smiles back flustered.

"We're going to eat dinner, wanna eat together?"

His face immediately lightened up sweetly, "Yeah! POG!". I turn to him confused, "POG?". "POG is uhh... something I came up with. You know for when you're happy and stuff!" I chuckled.

We both walk side by side to the cafeteria. I look at him from the side. I feel like... I need to protect him. Reason? Nothing. Just a feeling. Probably fate.

I open my eyes. What's this bed... it's so comfortable, but so cold. I look around groaning.

"Ah, you're up."

I turn to the male and my eyes widen in shock.

"Remember me now?" He smiles ever so sweetly.

The blonde male, Luca Kaneshiro, had his hair up to a ponytail. Smiling at me so innocently.

"What are you doing here? Wait what about the guy who killed... Vox..." My voice trails off remembering the moment.

My head slowly turns to Luca in horror. You killed him. "You killed him.". Luca's sweet smile now seems so sadistic. He slowly walks towards me, making me shift backwards on the bed. Luca climbs above me holding me close by the back of my neck. His face only inches away from him.

"I'll take care of you until you die, my love."

Die? Vox. Mother. Father. Everyone. No. Death. I don't want it. Please don't...


Luca step off the bed in shock, "Got quite vocal there, huh.". I look around the room, everything was shaking, I look at the gun on the side table. I grab the gun and aim it at him, but he only stood there. Hands in his pockets, smiling at me... shit.

"You can't shoot can you?"

My hands are shaking but my finger is over the trigger, I can kill you right now! But why can't I...

"Don't you get it..." Luca walks over and leans in, making me bend my arms. His forehead now in front of the gun as I hold it in front of me, his body leaning over mine. "You can't kill me. You have this feeling to protect me, not kill me." He chuckle.


"Because you love me."

"There is no love here"

"Is there no love?"

Luca gives me a peck on the forehead. Chills run down my spine. Mixed emotions that I can't understand.

"Hurry along, dear, food's getting cold."


Time passed. A lot of time. Luca and I would 'get along' but really... punishment and poison is to be feared. I can feel it, I do love him, but I can't be with him. It's not safe. There is no love.

I walk side by side with Luca, my fiancé.

"Where are we going?"

"Oh, to the place we met for the first time. We'll celebrate our anniversary there."

Right, it's our anniversary.

We walk through the big gateway. A group greet Luca, slowly pulling him aside. He turns to me.

"Y/n, where are you going?"

"Oh, just looking around, maybe also make some food."

"It's our anniversary you shouldn't do any work."

"Well I'd feel bad if I made everyone do everything, so I want to help."

"Okay then... don't run."

I smile at him as he and the group walk out. My smile falling immediately once they were out of sight. With an expressionless face I walk into a room nearby, the armory. They had gear and weapons. Weapons...


"Thank you everyone for coming!"

It's time.

"I am honored to have so many people celebrate this special day!"

I can do it.

"Y/n is a bit late today but I'm sure they'll make a flashy entrance."

Oh it's flashy.

I jump from the crowd and slash his chest with a sword in hand. Luca kneels down and looks up at me in shock yet amusement. The chaos I crave blooming.

This is goodbye.

"Hah-" Luca coughed flood, "I'm afraid... this is the new- cough... worst low of my life." He pulls out a gun and aims it at me, shooting, but I swiftly dodged it and pinned him down.

"You want to break out from the love?"

"There was no love, this is no love."

I held the sword above his throat, with a push I can kill him... I can end it. But my hands only shook in place, looking down at his bloodied body. If I kill him, I'll be just like those hooligans... I'll be a killer like them, like how they killed Vox.

"You can't kill me to escape, dear."

I let out a deep breathe before smiling down at him to his surprise.

"I'm killing you... for Vox."


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