Chapter 7

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'The future? Ha! Yeah right. Like I'm gonna believe that.' Seret sniggered.
'Why wouldn't you? Doesn't it make sense? You do understand what I'm saying, right?' Said Aiden earnestly.
'Earlier today I was told that I'm an orphan. I've being living with someone who claimed to be my mum for as long as I can remember. What I really want to know is where did you get that from?' She pointed at his stone.
'Ah, I think I understand now. That women you were staying with lied to you,' he ignored her question, 'but, trust me when I say this, you are from the future. Have you ever wondered why you were so different. Why you never really felt like belonged anywhere?' Seret's eye's shot open, 'H- how did you know?' She asked.
'Because it was just the same for me. I know that what I say is true, I have proof.' He first looked back at the stairs to make sure Douglas hadn't come down. He then pressed his thumb against the stone, it made a clicking noise and then started glowing green. Seret waited with anticipation to see what would happen. As expected, a recording began to play.
'Hold it still Harry, I'll go first.' Said a women. 'Aiden, Aiden. This is your mum. I first want you to know that I love you very much and that I'm counting on you. You have the best gift. Please use it wisely and find the others.' Those words, "find the others" grabbed at Seret's attention even harder than the rest. The man began to speak, 'Yes, Aiden. Please listen to Sandra. We are only telling you this because we believe that it will help you find the others, then you can be happy again, we can all be happy again. You are from, our future, whether you believe it or not. Use it wisely and help-' the recording ended. Seret looked at Aiden, his eyes were droopy like a puppy. 'That was them.' He said, 'My parents.' He smiled sadly. 'I would like to hear yours, if you don't mind.'
'Um,' she thought about it. If what he was saying is true, what would it mean..., "I'm not sure. I don't mean to be rude when I say this, and I'm really thankful that you saved me back there but I just don't," she looked up and glared into his eyes. She wasn't sure how, but she could feel heaps of sadness and sincerety in them. He didn't look like he'd force her to show him the recording, he just had this desperateness to be believed. 'Ahh, okay I guess.' She sighed and took of her necklace and was about to throw it on the ground by he hurriedly grabbed her hand. "If you did that every time you wanted to hear it, it would break. Here," He pointed at the side, "There's a button."
She pressed it and it clicked. Seret felt quite relieved that she didn't have to smash it every time. The blue glow came and then the recording. Aiden listened attentively to it, so did Seret. She wondered if both were connected. After it played, Aiden looked at her and smiled, 'They loved you alot, didn't they? You said that you only found out today?' He asked.
'Yeah.' She sighed. 'Why was I attacked earlier?'
'There's a group of conspiracy theorists who know about us. I think that they somehow set traps, like fake information, knowing that only people like us would look into. The story about the fire was probably one of it, that's what gave you away.'
'How did he know my name?'
'I suppose that they have studied you before meeting you.'
'Why did he want to kill me?'
'The same reason I ran most of my life. They fear us. Feel threatened by us. I just want it to stop so that we can live in peace.'
'Oh. So there's more of us then? Like others from the future?'
'I don't know for certain, but I suppose so.'
'How do you know all this and I don't? Why can't you just speak clearly? Tell me exactly what's going on?' Seret demanded.
'You want to know why that guy tried to kill you, don't you?'
'Well, as I start that would be better than nothing.'
'They're conspiracy theorists. They know about us for some reason and have been after us for a while now. They set traps, like anonymous information and see who tries to dig it up. You bite the bait, they'll reel you in.' Aiden said as if he was warning Seret.
'Like the fire!' Seret said with that 'moment of realization' in her eyes.
'Seret, it's probably best if you lay low for a while. These people are can be very dangerous.'
Seret thought carefully for a moment. This guy may be right, or Seret could possibly be getting involved into something not for her.
'And you're not? You seem completely delusional claiming that you're a time traveler. Yeah, I'll stay low, just not around here.' She pushed her chair back and decided she had been away from Emily long enough. Emily may have lied, but if she actually loved Seret she would still take her in. Besides, Seret had this eerie feeling like she had been watched the whole time. It was best to just leave.

'Wait a moment. I saved you, didn't I?' Jumped Aiden as Seret stood up. She turned back to him and said,
'Oh, yeah. I almost forgot to ask how a sixteen year old managed to get a gun? This is way too sketchy! I'm out.' She motioned to the door but as she was doing so, the lights tripped. 'Huh?' Seret looked around and saw Aiden diving at her yelling, 'Get down!'
They both slammed on the floor just before the only glass display window of the shop was shattered by a brick. A smoke grenade was tossed inside, with just a few seconds to spare before it went off. 'We have to leave now!' Said Aiden.
'What, I'm not going with you. I was leaving either way.'
'You really want to argue now? If you go out there, those people will probably kill you.' He quickly got to his feet and grabbed the gun. 'Com'on. Go to the kitchen.'
Seret reasoned with her inner pride, she had no other option. As she got up, her hands got piecered with shards of glass but she didn't have time to shriek. She tried not the slip as she ran for the kitchen door; Aiden right behind her. The kitchen was surprisingly large, with just about everything you'd expect. 'Get to that door. Run straight out and onto the street behind. Keep going, I'll catch up.' Ordered Aiden. Seret did as she was told. The alley behind was extremely small and narrow but she managed to scurriedly run through it and open out into the street. She ran as fast as her aching legs would carry her. She looked back once or twice, but saw no one following her. Once she reached the end of the street, she rested on a bench, gasping for breath. After a minute, Aiden can running in the distance. He had a backpack and was wearing his gear again, the gun at his side. It was weird, if she didn't know his face, she would have thought he was a military trainee. When he finally approached she asked, 'Who were they?'
'Like I said before, these people looking for us are dangerous.'
'You seriously believe this future nonsense, don't you?" She asked.
'It's the only thing I have to go on. Nothing else makes sense.'
'Why have you thought about this so much? Did your "parents",' she gestured inverted commas, 'give you your stone and make you become like this.' She gazed at his gear more observantly. There was a knife visible and multiple pockets which she guessed were filled with more of that kind of stuff.
His face went dull, 'You're lucky. Even though your foster mum lied to you, she must have loved you very much. I never had a foster family. I was always just in and around, here and there until Doug took me in 3 years ago. Now I'll probably never see him again.' He looked back and in the next few seconds the whole building in the distance caught on fire. Aiden must have thought that in the dim street light Seret couldn't see his face. But she clearly saw the tear rolling down his cheek. 'I'm sorry Aiden. It must have been hard for you.'
'I'll live.' He said smiling. 'I understand if you still want to leave after what's happened.' He started walking away. Seret stood still and pondered. Why was all of this happening now? Is it even true?
'Wait!' She said. 'Are there really others?' She didn't know what to do anymore. All she wanted was to go home but what if she did and then lost the opportunity to clear all this up? As much as she hated it, she was undoubtedly curious to know what was really going on.
'Yes, I suppose.'
'Do you know where they are?'
'No. Buy I could find out if needed. Why are you asking this?'
'What if we find the others and if we really are from the future, we can figure out a way to get home. It's worth a shot after all.'
'So you believe me?'
'No. But if there are people willing to attack twice in one night, something serious must be going on.'
'That's good enough I guess.'
'You'll help me find the others then? Take back our lives and live happily?'
Aiden suddenly felt a feeling he hadn't had in a long time when he heard those words; hope. He turned back to Seret. With his purple eyes dazzling and his pale face smiling he said, 'Yes, let's take back our lives!'

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