First meeting

455 11 25

Y/n (your name)

E/c (Eye color)

H/c, H/l. (Hair color)

Y/u (Your username)

Y/h (Your height. Something below 6'0 :'))

N/n (Nickname)

It had been a long day.  You have been at your aunt's all day, and then you had to pick up shopping for your grandparents, as they couldn't do it themselves. You were now mentally and physically tired out.

You walked down the hall to your flat, opened the door and chucked your keys onto the cupboard on your right, walking into the kitchen and opening the cabinet, getting a cup, and filling it with milk, putting it into the microwave, and waited for it to heat up.

When it was done, you made some coffee and walked into the living room, switching on your computer and sitting down. You took a sip of coffee and lent back in your chair, sighing.

Everything was peaceful.

''AHHHHHHHHHHHHH'' You jumped and the coffee you were holding sailed gracefully to the carpet. Fuck, you'd forgotten about him.

Your neighbor. You'd never spoken to or seen him, but you already hated him. It had been going on for awhile now, Random shouts and screams, and now because of him, you'd spilled your coffee. You were contemplating going to complain when another scream interrupted you. Fuck it, you're going round there.

You stood up, grabbed your keys, and then stopped. You'd only be a couple minutes, you put them back down and opened the door, closing it behind you and walking out in the direction of the noise.

You heard talking coming from one of the rooms, and walked to the door holding your hand up. Should I? It's gonna lead to shouting and not really going to solve anything. Then you remembered your spilled coffee, and you brought your fist against the door, rapping sharply.

The talking immediately stopped, and you tapped your feet nervously, hearing someone stand up and walk over unlocking the door.

The door opened and you looked up at the person standing there. He practically filled the doorway and- ''Holy shit your tall" slipped out, and you clapped your hand to your mouth as he stared down at you with round-framed glasses. He was wearing a brown beanie, with a few curls sticking out the side. Cute. Wait, what the fuck.

''I'm sorry?'' He said, sounding confused. Wait British accent too?! Shit, pull yourself together man. ''Uh, sorry. Uhm could- do you mind keeping it down? I'm actually trying to work and you're distracting me with the noise''

You mentally slapped yourself for stuttering. You also weren't working, stupid, but dropping your coffee on the floor sounds like a stupid excuse right now. ''Oh yeah, sorry man, just playing a game and one of my mates jump scared me'' He chuckled. His laughs cu- Okay. I am in no fit state for this I must be very tired.

''Yeah, man, no worries, uhh thanks'' You chuckled nervously, scratching the back of your neck, very well aware that your face was bright red. ''Yeah no problem, goodnight'' ''Night'' you said.

The guy backed into his room, closing the door, and you turned around, walking back to your flat. You opened the door, walked over to your computer, and sat down, burying your head in your hands. What the fuck was that.

You glanced down at the floor and the spilled coffee, sighing and standing up going to the kitchen to find something to clean it up.

That done, you went back to your computer and sat down, finding the article you were working on and starting work, but you couldn't think with the image of those little brown curls sticking out of the side of the beanie and the beautiful coffee brown eyes staring down at you. ''Ughhh fuck this'' you said out loud and saved your work before turning off the computer and standing up.

You walked to your bedroom and got your phone out of your pocket, checking the screen. That's when you realized you didn't get that guy's name and that it was 12:35 AM. You groaned and walked to the bathroom to brush your teeth. After doing that, you filled the sink with hot water, splashed your face, and reached your hand over to the towel rack, grabbing a towel and drying your face.

You yawned walking back to your room and getting undressed into your pj's and falling into bed.

You grabbed your phone and turned it on, going on TikTok and scrolling for a couple of hours until you started to get tired and put your phone on your bedside table, turning the lamp off.

You snuggled down under the covers, bringing your stuffed animal up to your chest and hugging him. His name was actually floof, because you had a habit of calling fluffy stuff floof, and he was fluffy. Kinda silly, but it was comfort to you. He was big enough to feel like you had an actual person laying next to you, so he was your favorite, out of the 14 that you owned.

You closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep as you listened to quiet rain pattering on the window and cars driving past.

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