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TW: Slight homophobia.

You woke up this morning to loud rain falling outside and the noise of your phone ringing. You picked up and answered it half asleep. ''HELLO!?'' You winced, and yanked the phone away from your ear at the sound of your younger brother. Tommy. Yelling into the phone. ''Hey man, whats up?'' ''Mate, mum wants to know what time you're gonna be here, because she's been waiting ages''

You glanced at the time. 2:32pm. Shit, you were supposed to be there 1 hour ago. ''Can you give mum the phone, Tommy?'' ''Hell Nah, I'm not giving her my phone, ring her yourself!!'' He shouted. ''Bro, stop shouting, I've just got up man'' ''Only just?? Dude, what were you doing last night?! Wait...Your not hungover are you? You know mum will be mad at you.'' Dude shut it. I'm not hungover, and to be honest, I don't give a fuck what mum thinks. Not after what she did.'' ''Yeah man, I know. Anyway, what were you doing last night then? Women?! Oh no, wait, you're gay'' he said laughing. ''Man, shut up, I'm hanging up now and ringing mum'' ''Alright dude, talk to you later, yeah?'' ''Yeah man, talk later''

You sighed, hitting the end call button and scrolling down to find the contact, mum. You found it and clicked, waiting for her to pick up, and rubbing your eyes yawning.

''Hello?'' You heard your mum's voice. ''Hey mum'' ''Are you coming round? We've been waiting for you ages'' ''Yeah mum, I kinda got up late and don't feel that well. I think I'm just gonna lay in a bit.'' You lied. ''What?! Y/n we've had this planned for ages you can't just not go!!'' ''Mum, I don't feel well alright. I'm not going. I don't know what you expect okay! You fucking kicked me out for being gay, and you expect me to want to fucking interact with you?!'' ''We are your family! One day we won't be here than what. Also, please stop swearing.'' ''I'm allowed to fucking swear. I'm 21 mum. And if you loved me you would've tried to accept me not just fucking kicked me out.'' You clicked end call and you were shaking as you blocked her.

You sat up and got out of bed changing, before you walked to the kitchen to get water leaning against the counter as you sipped it, thinking. You'd done the right thing....right? I mean, what the fuck does she expect!? You're just gonna turn up and ignore all the homophobic remarks she throws at you?

You downed the rest of the water and placed the cup on the side. Walking to the fridge, you grabbed a sandwich and walked to your computer, switching it on and opening your sandwich, eating it slowly. Once it's finished, you pulled out your phone and seeing a Twitter notification. You opened it and your eyes widened.

Wilbur soot followed you and one new message from Wilbur soot.

You placed the phone down on the table and brought your legs up to your chest on the chair, burying your face in your hands. Shit. Shit shit shit shit. He saw it. And accepted it. And messaged you. Yay...?

You didn't want to open it. You reached out for your phone and looked at the message hovering your finger over it... No no no can't do it.

You put the phone down and stood up. This is so so stupid, you thought, pacing up and down. I'm just gonna do it, what's the worst that could happen? You grabbed your phone and opened the message, with your eyes squeezed shut. You opened your eyes slowly, and immediately burst into laughter and blushed.

''Hey neighbor ;)'' it read. You smirked and sat down, bringing your legs up and hugging your knees as you thought about what to say. ''Hey :)'' you wrote. Nahhhh not that, you thought deleting it. ''Hey noisy neighbor'' you wrote, and then before you could change your mind, you pressed send and slammed the phone down on the desk as you stood back up. I did it! I did it! There was a ping from your phone, and you picked it up.

''What are you up to?'' You quickly typed back. ''Not much. Hbu?'' ''I have a request'' ''Go ahead, I'm invested'' ''Would you want to do a stream with me?'' Wait, what the fuck, what the fuck, huh!? Wilbur soot?! Wants to do a stream with me? Y/n? Huhhh. I just met this guy what? Yep, he definitely mistyped that. You quickly typed a reply. ''You definitely mistyped that'' ''Nope, I'm dead serious.'' ''What. When?'' ''Can you come over now? I'll explain it to you'' ''Yeah, sure, be over in 5'' ''Alright. See you in a bit :)''

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