His name is Wilbur soot.

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(By the way, you have separate keys for your house and car. This will make sense later on)

You woke up late this morning. And I mean late, it was 3:43 PM when you hauled yourself out of bed yawning and got dressed into y/o. Then dragged yourself to the kitchen to make some coffee to help you through the day. Not that you planned on doing that much, but still, you needed it or you were going back to bed.

You made some coffee and headed over to your computer, switching it on and sitting down, setting your coffee down this time. You clicked on Spotify and put on some music. Found your article from yesterday and started to finish it. It was a project you were working on and didn't have to be finished at any set time, but it was the only thing you had to do right now.

You finished the article finally, after working on it for an hour and a half and going through 4 cups of coffee. That's when you remembered you hadn't eaten all day, the fridge was empty, and you were hungry as fuck. Guess it's time to go to the shop and get food.

You stood up and took your cup to the kitchen, placing it on the side and saying to yourself ''I'll do that later'' You grabbed your keys from the cupboard and walked out of the flat door, shutting it behind you and locking it. You put your keys in your right pocket.

You ran down the stairs two at a time and went out the front, getting your car keys out of your left pocket and starting the car, pulling out of the car park.

(Timeskip, because this is boring) You've got your food and are waiting in line to get served when, out of the corner of your eye, you see the tall British guy who happens to be your neighbor. ''Shit'' you say under your breath, causing people to look at you weirdly.

He walks up behind you in line, not seeming to notice or recognize you. And now he's towering over you, which you hate because he can see the top of your head.

You hurriedly walk forward and place your food on the counter. You didn't get much, a couple of takeaways, sandwiches, and a 6 pack of monsters. You pay and somehow manage to hold it all, your car keys, and stagger out of the shop to your car, chucking it all on the back seat and getting in. You start the car and drive home.

When you get home, you get out, open the back door, and get your stuff. This time, you manage to hold it in a more dignified fashion and walk up the steps of the building and along the hall until you get to your door.

You place it all on the floor and reach your hand into your pocket to get your key, and almost have a heart attack. It's gone. That's when you feel the hole at the bottom of your pocket. Yeah, the one you kept telling yourself you'd sew up and never did. Fuck.

You realize it must of fallen out pretty quickly if the hole is that big, and you scan the hall to see if you can see it. An unexpected tap on the shoulder almost sends you shrieking, causing you to look around. The guy from next door stands there awkwardly, holding out your key ''This yours...?''

You glance down at it and reply ''Uhh yeah, that's mine, where did you find it?''  He passed it to you and his fingertips brushed against your hand. You swallowed ''I found it on the floor as i was leaving my flat. I was coming to give it to you.'' ''Yeah man, thanks, uhhh sorry i don't know your name..?'' He held his hand out grasping yours and you shivered. His hand practically engulfed yours as he shook it. ''Wilbur soot'' He let go and smiled. ''Y/n'' You said.

''Pretty name'' he said. You blushed. ''Thanks, Yours isn't too bad either'' Okay ,why'd i say that. You mentally slapped yourself.  He glanced down at the shopping. ''Do you need a hand with that?'' You thought for a bit. You'd only just met this guy. ''Yeah sure. Here'' You picked up the monsters, handing it to him as you unlocked the door and picked up the rest of the shopping walking into the flat, as Wilbur followed.

''Here just put it on the side over there. Thanks'' Wilbur placed it on the side ''Yeah no problem man. Do you uh- do you need help with anything else...?'' You turned to him. ''Nah man, its okay'' You smiled. ''Thanks for that.'' Wilbur smiled. ''No problem man. Also...um i wanted to say sorry for all the noise this last couple of days. Me and my mates have been working on some stuff'' ''It's alright. Do you mind me asking what kind of job does it require for you to make that much noise?'' ''It's kinda to explain. I could... Show you?'' You thought a sec.

Okay, you only met this guy a day ago, but he seems genuine. ''Alright sure,'' you said. ''Great! We can go now?'' ''Sure'' You follow Wilbur as he walks out of the door, shutting it behind you.

He walks over to his office and holds the door open. "Go on in'' You glance around the corner and then walk in, and Wilbur shuts the door, following you in. It's mostly empty apart for a massive computer setup that sits in the middle of the room. ''I stream on Twitch.'' You hear him say as you turn to him.

''Is it like an app or what?'' ''Basically yeah. Here give me your phone, i can show you'' You hesitate and then unlock your phone, handing Wilbur it. He messes around for a bit and then hands it to you. You look at the screen. You take a screenshot and gasp. ''Wait. Your famous?!?! You have like 4 million followers'' He chuckles. ''Yeah, I guess I am kinda famous'' ''Wow, can i have a photo Mr. Soot'' You say in a sarcastic voice laughing. ''Hey, don't call me that!'' He laughs. ''What, MR SOOT!?'' He doubles over laughing ''Okay then Mr. L/N!'' You punch him in the arm gently, chuckling. ''Alright Mr. Soot. Well, it was lovely getting to know you a bit, but i have to get to bed, i am actually really tired out'' He smirks slightly. ''Yeah man, you look it.'' ''Oh shut up'' you say.

He opens the door and you walk out, turning around. ''See you around, Mr. Soot'' You grin and he smiles. ''See you later'' You walk off down the hall to your door, glancing over your shoulder at him. He's watching you walk down the hall, and he waves. You wave back as you walk in through your flat door.

You walk over to your computer and save your work, turning it off, and  walking into your kitchen, putting the sandwiches and takeaways in the fridge. You turn the lights off and walk to your room, and then to the bathroom, brushing your teeth and washing your face.

Afterwards, heading back into your room, getting into bed, turning your phone on. You go to photos to find the screenshot you took of Wilburs user. You scroll down and see a photo. That sneaky bugger. It's a selfie of Wilbur smirking at the camera. He definitely took that on purpose. You smiled and clicked off the photo, clicking on the screenshot and getting the username. It's just Wilbur soot. Of course. You go to the app store and download the app twitch and make an account.

Y/u (your username)

You verify your phone number and then enter Wilbur soot into the search bar. His account comes up and you follow it. You decide to do a bit of stalking, because why no. So you go to Twitter and search him up, finding his account and....Discord. You follow his Twitter and then immediately regret it. He's going to think I'm like obsessed with him or something. You yawn and remember that you're supposed to be going to sleep? You check the time. It reads 4:20 AM.... Yeah... ''Hey siri, play sleep playlist'' you say, and place your phone on the bedside table snuggling into bed as quiet piano music plays.

You slowly fall asleep.

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