Daisy, Part 12

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There's a lot of moving in time as I don't want to make big parts about this. <3

Prissy's pov:

When Luna left I lost a piece of me. My only best friend is so far away from me. I and Billie already spent a few nights in the new house. It's such a nice cozy house with so many rooms. We woke up and Billie had missed calls from Tré. He called him back and found out Teresa is in labor. I was so excited as they were so happy about it. We spent the day doing work around the house but had to go to the doctor. I took a shower before we left because I'm really sensitive about hygiene. I've always been weird about it but it's kinda funny. Billie was so excited to find out what month I am. We headed to the doctor because we were late already. Everyone was so sweet to me there and Billie held my hand the whole time. I heard my name calling so we went inside. The doctor made an ultrasound as Billie still held my hand. ,, Alright you're three months in''. I was too stunned to speak. ,, What? Three months? But it doesn't look like it''. ,, Sometimes patients don't even know they are pregnant in the third month. It's common don't worry'' she said. She was such a nice doctor and did everything gently. ,, Come back after two months. We can find out the gender''. So we left knowing everything is fine and we don't have to worry. ,, I'm so happy! I can't believe we didn't notice!'' Billie said and we both laughed. Tré called Billie again so that we can come to see their daughter. That's so sweet because they didn't know the gender but I know Tré wanted a girl so bad. So we went straight to another hospital where their child was born. When we arrived, we saw Tré with a big smile on his face. ,, Come on in! I can't wait for you to meet her!'' he said and we followed him. Teresa was laying there with their daughter. ,, Meet Lily'' Teresa said and gave her into my arms. She was such a small bean and Billie was looking at her too. ,, Isn't she the cutest thing you ever saw?'' Tré said. ,, Yeah'' Billie answered.


We lived through fall and winter pretty great. We got the work done on our house and our baby is doing just fine. We spent Christmas with our families and new year together. Luna came back for holiday so I was able to see her. I miss her so much and she's still so far away. Mike, Billie, and Tré were also working on music as always and had a few concerts. They did a gig in the new year again and it was amazing! We also celebrated my birthday of course. Anyways, it's February already and I'm almost due date. We didn't want to know the gender and decided to let it be a surprise. We picked a few names and now we're just waiting. 

It was a really cold day and the heater was doing its best but the house was still so cold! I was feeling totally tired and bad for the last week. I can't wait till it's over and our baby's out. Billie was home with me helping me with everything. The extra kisses were the best thing ever. He's very supportive and sweet. They made a place where they do band practices and it's great. I was laying in our living room watching tv but I felt so much worse than before. I felt cramps but they were periodic. ,, Omg Billie!'' I yelled at him. ,, What??'' he ran straight to me. ,, I think I have contractions!''. ,, Omg okay! Let's take you to the hospital!''. I didn't pack so I had to be very quick. After I packed everything we left right away. When we arrived they took me straight to a room where they gave me everything I need before labor and also did everything they need. It took so long but at 2 am I finally gave birth. ,, It's a girl!'' the doctor said and when I looked at Billie, he was crying and I was too. I just gave birth to the child of the love of my life. They put her on me. ,, Hey Daisy'' I said as we watched our daughter together. I had to rest so I went to sleep. In the morning, I fed her and Billie got to hold her for the first time. He was crying again as he was so happy. 

The next few months were exhausting. I haven't slept a bit. But now Daisy is already 4 months old so it's all better now. She's such a chubby baby but she brings such a joy to our lives. Our parents have so much fun with her too and now we're planning everything for our wedding. We chose to have a small wedding with our close family and friends. 

The day of our wedding was so beautiful. I'm getting married to the love of my life. Luna helped me pick a dress with my and Billie's moms. I was so nervous but we knew we prepared everything and it was perfect. I cried when I was about to walk down the aisle and my dad held me. Could I be more lucky and happy? When I saw Billie standing there with his perfect black hair and so handsome in his suit I cried again. When he saw me crying, he started too. 

,, I do'' Billie said. ,, I do'' I said too and we put on our rings. ,, You may now kiss the bride''. He pulled me close to him and kissed me. 

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