Chapter 11: surprise appearance by your wife!

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prev on obaaa jorts: your heart is sinking becaos joe biet says you have to wake obama with true loves kiss

"does he love me or does he love me not? do i love him and is it strong enough? i i i wanna know so here i go" you sing in panick.

joe licks you so you calm down (hhe is a werewolf too)

you check your bag and inside is the jorts that obama gave you. you think about all the loving things he has done like giving you jorts and proposing. you sigh "he really does love me even though weare divorsed"

"hey honey" says your wife. you kill her because she's trying to marry you again now that your not married

you and joebisen tie 1 leg together each so you run faster because now you have 3 legs in total. then yore at Knew York.

obama legings 3: obama jortsWhere stories live. Discover now